Chapter 3: Getting Ready

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Jame's POV:

I woke up at 5am, I couldn't sleep. Something felt wrong about Sofia being here. I love my sister, she knows me better than I know myself! But there's a reason she's in Slytherin and there's a reason she's here, she loved Beauxbatons and she always hated the thought of hogwarts, so why now is she here?! 

Time Skip

It's now 6:30am and the others have woken up, we're all talking while getting ready.

"So James...." Moony starts to speak.

"Yeah, what's up?" I reply.

"Your sister...." I might know where this is going but before he continues speaking the others make a 'ooooooo' noise and then start laughing.

"What about her?" I'm starting to get worried about where this is going.

"She's hot!" Peter replies with a smirk before Moony can say anything else. My face is disapproving and the others laugh. I throw a pillow at his head and then continue fixing my tie. 

"Hey! We were all thinking it, it's not my fault I beat Moony to the punch!" He defends throwing the pillow back at me. With that comment I snicker a little.

"What am I wrong?!" He questions looking around the room to which no one replies.

"Look I said it last night and I'll say it again, she's a 10!" Padfoot snickers at this comment but I remain unamused.

"what were you going to say Moony?" I ask with a sigh.

"Is she single?" He inquires quietly while looking down at his hands.

"Ahhhh does Moony have a crush?!" Wormtail teases.

"Shut up Peter I know you like her too!!!" He snaps back and Peter falls silent. I groan.

"Sirius do you like her too?!" I huff knowing they all have the same taste in girls.

" that you say it...." I groan even louder.

"Listen I haven't seen her in awhile I will talk to her and ask but be careful!" I huff.

"What do you mean be careful?" Moony asks, his face slightly concerned.

"She has a history of being known as a bit of a player and I don't want you guys to get hurt, especially since knowing her she'll become attached to all of you and then not be able to choose between you." I explain and the others sit there silently. 

"Ok....Well on a different note let's get to breakfast!" Padfoot suggested attempting to lighten the mood. After that we all head down to breakfast ready to start the day.

Regulus's POV

Me and the others are getting ready for breakfast and talking about random topics, I'm barely paying attention until a familiar name is thrown around.

"So Sofia's pretty hot!" Barty snickers and the others agree, even Tom.

"Yeah, but she's a Potter!" Severus comments. I was going to defend Potter and the others but they have been rather horrid to Severus so I thought it would be better to not fight him on it.

"A hot potter" Evan mutters and Avery high fives him on it.

"What do you know about her Reg?" Tom asks.

 I am of course completely shocked, the only interest Tom ever shows in girls is the want to fuck them, so the thought that he wants to get to know one, well that's the most shocking thing I think I've ever heard! I was already a bit confused when he asked about her last night, but now this too, it's completely out of character, and disappointing because if he goes for her I'll have no luck! Who am I kidding she's the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen, every guy in the school will go for her, I think the only guy not drooling over her will be James! 

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