Barrel of powder keg

Start from the beginning

Emma remove the tears in her eyes

Hanna:You said there are other responsible.I remember when i join said you want to shoot down Viktor for killing your father.

Emma:Yea...i did shoot him down on our last mission in romanga.However there were others indirectly involved.There was a secret group that was reponsibale for osea and yuktobania to start this war at eachother.This group is named the grey men they are belkan nationalists, their goal was to start a war between the two nation and prolonged it as a revenge for they nation lost in the belkan war.

Hanna:I can't believe it.

Raisa:People can go this far to have revenge for a war that happen years ago.

Emma:The squadron that called off the reinforcements was part of that group.All of them were belkan aces in the belkan war but the Razgriz manage to stop their plan and return back to peace.And since mu father was a Razgriz i to became a Razgriz.

Keiko:Continued the line of the best aces.Your father would be proud of you.

The groupe chat until a small groupe of soldier pass by them and look at Lydia and Emma

Soldier 1:Hey you two.Come join our table.

Soldier 2:It would be much better then be with them.

Lydia:Sorry but no.We prefer to be with them.

Soldier 3:With those witches.We are better then them.

Emma:Oh should stop acting this way toward them.They are saving your life everyday.

Soldier 1:Why are you defending them.

Soldier 3:They are worthless...This is a men place.

Tension start to heat until Kyle and someone beside him arrive

Kyle:You better leave.

Soldier 2:Or what?

???:Or i show you what is the osean army is capable of...I saw this witches in action and what they can do.And i won't allow people like you to insult them...Now leave.

The three soldier look at eachother then left 

Lydia:Thank you for the help Kyle.

Kyle:It's all right.

Keiko:Thank you as well mister...

Koga:My name is Hatake Koga i'm the commander of the osean 4th Tank Battalion.

Keiko:I'm keiko nice to meet you.

Kyle:He is the brother of one of Kira brother's.

Emma:How is Kira?

Koga:They are in fuso now to train a friend of yoshika that will join the forces in gallia.

Emma:I'm glad to hear it.

The group chat while eating their breakfast Keiko could not stop looking at Kago as she start to have feeling for him

After that Hanna along with Lydia,Emma and Kyle went outside to meet the land witches

Hanna:I'm going to introduce you to our friend in the land battle witches.

Kyle:Land battle witches?

Hanna:They are like us but they are on the ground

The group start to see Miles and her company

Hanna:Hey Miles.

Miles:Oh...Hello Hanna.

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