Chapter 10: Closed Door

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Shouta had come to the conclusion that Izuku Midoriya tried to hide things with a smile. Or simply kept up the image to stop others from getting involved.

In a way, he was like Shouta.

But instead of a smile, Shouta had a blank face. He knew how ingrained portraying a certain face to the outside world was. So he knew the implication of the smile that Midoriya was giving them at the moment.

It was tired and a little bit sad.

But It was the most real thing he had seen since standing with Midoriya that morning in front of the logically big door.

Shouta was glad that he didn't make Uraraka or Kaminari leave the infirmary. Because from the look in Midoriya's eyes as the child looked at those two. A look of something that looked like wonder, let him know he made the right decision. And he knew he had made the right decision of himself staying because when Midoriya looked at him, the smile didn't go away and that look of wonder stayed.

"Hey there Midoriya," he said, in a softer voice than usual. "How are you feeling? Recovery Girl healed you a while ago."

Despite the good news he told Midoriya, the boy stiffened in bed. He saw green eyes flit around the infirmary, looking for something.

Was he looking for Recovery Girl? She wasn't in the infirmary anymore, having left to go do something somewhere else on campus.

Shouta saw how Midoriya was less tense when he didn't find Recover Girl.

"Hey dude, how are you feeling right now? Do you need water or something?" Kaminari asked, drawing Midoriya's attention to the boy.

When Midoriya went to speak but a rasp came out, Shouta was impressed with the speed and grace that Kaminari had in getting up and serving his classmate water. Both Uraraka and Kaminari had been rather protective, and it seemed that they would remain that way for a while.

After drinking some water Midoriya finally responded.

"I'm fine, just sore and tired." He looked down, "How bad was I hurt?"

Shouta paused for a moment.

Never had Midoriya asked about what injuries he sustained when he got hurt. Kaminari and Uraraka looked a little surprised at the question as well. So he made sure to answer, as to not make Midoriya uncomfortable with the silence.

"You had a concussion, bruises, a cut inside your mouth, burns, and smoke inhalation," Shouta listed.

"Oh, that makes sense. I think I bit the inside of my cheek when Bakugou got me in my head. And the smoke inhalation explains why I couldn't breathe." Midoriya let out a short mirthless laugh, "It really wasn't fun not being able to breathe with his explosions coming after me."

Shouta saw Uraraka and Kaminari send concerned looks at him while Midoriya still had his head down. He motioned for them to give him a moment alone with Midoriya and he received nods in response before they went off to the side to give them some privacy.

"Midoriya, I'm sorry."

In less than a second, wide green eyes were staring at him. "Wait Sensei why are you so-"

Shouta cut off Midoriya before he could continue. "I'm sorry Midoriya, you shouldn't have had this happen to you. Kaminari and Uraraka already told me how you weren't feeling well but All Might still made you fight Bakugou. This isn't your fault. It's All Might's, you're not in trouble and I don't plan on letting All Might give you criticism on a fight you should have never been a part of."


It was Shouta's turn to look at Midoriya with wide eyes. The voice that came from Midoriya was so small and the look on his face looked like hope.

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