THIEVERY / / / SECOND: The Wild Machine

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V2..?: "However, the designated regeneration condition requires the harvest of new parts for it to succeed. Yours will do perfectly."

As soon it finishes speaking 3 more arms similar to the first one burst out of V2's back, one having another camera head, one having a crab claw and the last one having a sharp blade.

Z: "Oh hell no."

Z's wings come out of his back and he just barely flies away from getting slashed by the blade. More arms burst out of V2's back but only work as supports to hold V2's body in the air. R decides to join in and flies at V2 only to get grabbed by the neck by one of the claws.

V2..?: "You still have purpose, Serial Designation R. Don't make us regret such a decision."

R grabs the claw and tears it open, causing V2 to throw R.

V2..?: "Pained Shriek."

Z uses the opportunity to slash at V2 with his blade arms, only to get slapped off by V2, he manages to soften his landing by flying and switches his arms to guns, shooting at V2.

V2..?: "Pain. Angry."

Z: "Would you quit calling out your actions like that? It's annoying."

V2:..? "It is a.. Habit."

Suddenly R grabs onto V2 from behind, shaking the machine around as V2 tries to shake R off. Z lowers his guns and switches to his claws and tries to go for a finishing slash. Only for the R on V2's back to fizzle out, revealing he was a hologram and V2 swiftly grabs Z by the neck.

V2..?: "Get Pranked, Idiot."

V2 grabs Z with the claw arms and starts tightly squeezing him, causing a lot of pain for Z.

V2..?: "I did say you would be part of the perfect lifeform, Didn't I?"

R lunges and explodes most of V2's extra arms with his Overloader arm, causing Z to drop to the ground.

V2..?: "Pained Screech. Knock it off, Jerk."


R swiftly punches V2 into a wall.

V2..?: "Ow. We will have to try again later. We won't be as merciful when we meet next."

The symbol in V2's optic disappears as V2 begins rebooting. V2 eventually wakes up and sees R and Z, looking down at him. He quickly gets up.

V2: "Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

Z: "Well you know that core you had me put in?"

V2: "Yeah?"

Z: "It kinda took control of you and made you start eating worker drones to repair yourself."

V2: "What the fuck..? Ew. How did I even eat them? I don't have a mouth."

Z: "I have no clue, You were in a supply closet doing nothing but chewing a worker drone corpse. Very loudly too I might add."

V2: "At least it repaired my legs- Also, what the fuck are THESE THINGS?"

V2 motions to the 2 extra arms he still had.

Z: "I don't know, You just started growing multiple of those out of your back."

V2: "Gross. How do I get rid of it?"

Z: "Don't ask me."


The Supreme Solver (Ultrakill x Murder Drones)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat