Seonghwa is not Seongie.

And yet...

"He suffered a mild concussion as well as severe bruising on his left hip. I don't believe there's any internal bleeding but he will have to account for any nerve pain if he experiences any," a doctor tells Hongjoong.

Seonghwa has already awakened from his trauma and is sitting in his chair dressed in a hospital gown.

The elder is still somewhat out of it, but he's clearly unhappy.

He keeps scowling at the floor and every so often his narrowed gaze will settle on Hongjoong but then quickly flit away.

The doctor had tried to discuss what his examination had yielded with Seonghwa, but he had wanted nothing to do with anything after waking up, so that left Hongjoong as the obvious choice to relay the information to.

"The cut on his forehead required stitches and they should dissolve within a week or two," the doctor continues.

"I would take it easy for a couple days, nothing too strenuous. Also, the concussion isn't too concerning, but I want to be sure that there's no complications. Don't let him sleep for at least the next twelve hours. If there are any signs of incoordination, nausea, or slurring of speech, please bring him back."

Nodding, Hongjoong takes the papers presented to him.

They're reference sheets for concussion protocol and the type of stitches that Seonghwa now has in his skin.

"What about physical therapy? He has a session every week day."

The doctor hums in thought, looking Seonghwa over.

"He really should avoid anything having to do with his bruised hip, but he can return to therapy in a day or so if it's kept to a bare minimum until the injury begins to heal."

"I understand." Hongjoong thanks the doctor with a slight bow and then the man takes his leave.

A discharge nurse finalizes the insurance details and then Hongjoong is wheeling Seonghwa out of the facility.

He checks his phone once more to make sure that Yunho had managed to drop off the car in the valet parking lot.

When he sees a confirmation text, he breathes out a sigh of relief.

It's an odd dynamic, but he's grateful that all of Seonghwa's employees are close-knit.

Yunho had driven the car here and then hitched a ride with Yeosang who was just going into work at his restaurant.

He makes a mental note to thank the both of them later as well as get on Jongho's good side so he won't be so angry at his therapy patient the next session.

It's dark now, the sun having set hours ago when chaos had erupted.

Seonghwa had been unconscious for a good forty-five minutes or so, and that was terrifying for Hongjoong, but the doctor had assured him that Seonghwa's body had went into a state of shock after hitting his head and he simply passed out from the anxiety rather than the wound.

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