Cold Night

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Staring out the window was a good way to pass the time. The trees and distant houses passed by as the sun slowly crept closer to the horizon. I used to fear the sunset. When I saw it, it meant that night was imminent. When you have no walls to protect you and no sheets to keep you warm, there is no comfort to be found in rest. For once, I looked forward to the night because I knew I wasn’t going to be alone. I knew I wouldn’t be vulnerable and shivering on the streets.

The sun was getting very low. Being able to see it setting properly without it disappearing behind buildings was nice. I could appreciate the beauty of it for once.

“What a lovely sunset.” I said to nobody in particular.”

“Is it setting?” Bex asked, only just realising the time of day.

“Yeah. I wish you could see it.”

“We should set up for the night.”


The train slowed to a halt. We got off and carried the camping equipment outside. Valen followed behind with our food.

“Getting really dark out here.” Valen commented. “We need a fire. Anyone know fire spells?”

“Quinn does.” I answered.

“Great. Where is the demon?”

I looked around. Quinn wasn’t with us. I looked back at the train and didn’t see anyone inside.

“Quinn!” I yelled. I heard the sound of grass being trampled. I turned and saw Quinn running to me with a rabbit in their jaw.

“Demon!” Valen called. “We need a fire!”

Quinn shoved the rabbit down their mouth quickly like how a snake eats without chewing. With a flick, a ball of flame appeared from Quinn’s finger. Valen picked up a stick and lit it with the flame.

“Quinn.” I said. “Wanna help me set up the tents?” Quinn nodded.

We started setting up a tent together. It was difficult because I wasn’t used to tents big enough to fit multiple people in. All my previous tents were small and could barely fit an adult body. By the time we finished, Bex had set up a tent alone and Valen had made a campfire.

“Are there only 2 tents?” Valen asked.

“I think so.” I replied.

“I’m not sharing with the demon.”

“Ok. I will, then.”

“Damn right. I get the blind one.”

We all sat by the campfire. Valen brought out some food. There were kebabs and tins of beans. Bex levitated a tin of beans over the flame as Valen passed the kebabs around. They didn’t pass one to Quinn, though.

We heated and ate our fill. It wasn’t bad but it could’ve been better. The flames illuminating the darkness and heating the cold air made me think of Hell. Quinn was probably experienced with camping and making campfires.

Around us, the light got brighter. It was too bright and wasn’t coming from the fire. It was coming from above. I looked up and a strange figure in golden clothing descended towards us.

“Be not afraid!” They ordered. We all stood up and backed away as the figure landed near the flames. They had holy garments with a shiny badge and a bright glow around their body. White wings flapped on their back. Their face was so disturbing that I couldn’t physically look at it or remember what it looked like. It was as if space bended around their appearance. Circling their head was a pair of gold rings covered with eyes which all blinked at different times to each other, having a domino effect. It was an angel. There was no doubt about it.

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