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crush: Akainu, aokiji

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crush: Akainu, aokiji

Name: Aokiji (Real name: Kuzan D Edward)

age: 14

nickname: The Ice Emperor

special nickname: Frostheart (garp, senguko), Ice Prince (kizaru), Frozen Soul (akainu)


Aokiji is a tall and imposing figure, with a lean yet muscular build. He has short black hair that is slicked back, contrasting with his piercing blue eyes that hold a calm and perceptive gaze. Additionally, Aokiji possesses unique physical features in the form of black fox ears and a matching fox tail, symbolizing his connection to the mythical creature. 


Aokiji typically wears the standard attire of a Marine Admiral, consisting of a crisp white long-sleeved shirt, accompanied by a navy blue suit jacket adorned with Marine insignia and golden trimmings. He pairs this with matching navy blue pants and polished black boots. Aokiji also wears a white marine cap with a golden anchor emblem, completing his authoritative appearance. Aokiji's attire is often accompanied by a long, flowing navy blue coat that extends down to his ankles. The coat is lined with a frosty blue fur collar, adding a touch of elegance to his appearance. On his left hip, he carries a sheathed katana with a hilt adorned with intricate ice patterns, reflecting his mastery over ice-based abilities. Aokiji's presence exudes a chilling aura, and frost tends to form in the vicinity around him.


Aokiji is known for his enigmatic and laid-back demeanor, often displaying an air of indifference. He is highly intelligent, analytical, and possesses a strategic mind. Aokiji is a man of few words, choosing his words carefully and rarely showing emotion. Despite his stoic nature, he holds a strong sense of justice and fairness, striving to maintain balance and stability in the world. Aokiji values freedom and has been known to act independently, sometimes conflicting with the rigid structure of the Marine hierarchy.While Aokiji may appear indifferent, he possesses a deep sense of compassion and empathy. He demonstrates a willingness to listen and understand different perspectives, often taking a more lenient approach in his dealings. Aokiji is known to prioritize the greater good and the well-being of innocent civilians above blind adherence to rules. This has led to clashes with his fellow Marines, particularly those who adhere strictly to the World Government's orders.

Aokiji's Heart Torn Between Duty and LoveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя