Chapter 5: Another Juro!

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No one's P.O.V. 

Runa waited patiently in Kyojuro's room. Her brother was next to her as they sat on the bed. 

"Nii-chan, will mama be okay?" she asked, swinging her feet slightly. Her brother smiled. "She will be fine. Mother has already been through this twice, she is strong." 

A while later, they were allowed to enter their mother's room. They smiled brightly as they saw their mother holding a small bundle. 

"It's a boy." she said proudly. 


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Kyojuro and Runa rushed to get a closer look at their new baby brother. 

Runa pouted when her brother got to hold him first, but quickly let it go when Kyojuro showed him to her. 

Runa frowned a little at the sight of her baby brother. She pointed at his face and turned to her mother. "Looks like a potato." she said blankly. Kyojuro laughed and Ruka gave a small smile. 

"His name is Senjuro." their father announced, coming in the room with a tray. Runa put her arms up in the air. "Another Juro!" Her older brother chuckled. 

The little girl held her arms out. "Can I hold him?" Kyojuro smiled and carefully handed the bundle to her. She smiled down at her baby brother. He was sleeping soundly, as if nothing in the world could bother him. Anything, except Runa. 

She poked his cheek, causing him to stir. She booped his nose and his face scrunched up. "Other people might think you're ugly," she said, looking down at Senjuro. "But you're related to me so you must have some charm behind that potato head of your's." She held Senjuro up as he slowly opened his eyes. 

Runa's eyes widened slightly as she stared into her little brother's eyes. They were just like her's, Kyojuro's and their father's - crimson red outlined with a bright gold. 

After a moment, baby Senjuro's little eyes scrunched up in the cutest way, his little cheeks turned pink, and his little mouth curled up into a little smile. Everything about him was just so...little! 

His big sister smiled back at him. Their family smiled at the sweet scene. 

"You're actually pretty cute, Senjuro." Runa said, smiling. Little Senjuro kicked his little legs and waved his little arms in the air, as if he was happy. For only being a few minutes old, he was very active. 

Eventually, Runa had to give her brother back to his mother. His smile disappeared but he snuggled closer to his mother. "Is he sleepy?" Runa asked, a finger on her mouth. Ruka smiled softly. "Yes, we both need to rest." She laid down, the blue bundle still in her arms. "Here's some water." Shinjuro said as he bent down and set the tray down next to her bed. 

"Thank you, dear." she turned back to her children. "Go play. You'll get to see your little brother later." 

"Okay, mama!" Runa said, then left the room with Kyojuro. 

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