Chapter 3: Just Kyojuro and Runa

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*2 years later* 

No one's P.O.V. 

Kyojuro peeked around the corner. Nothing. "Hmm...." he hummed. "Where could she be?" He rubbed his chin in thought. A cute giggle was heard and he made his way to the source, the kitchen. 

He looked under the table, behind the curtains, and even in the sink, but he couldn't find any trace of the little girl. 

Another giggle was heard and Kyojuro smirked as he quickly turned and opened the cabinet behind him. The three year old Runa squealed as her brother snatched her up from her hiding spot. 

"I win!" Kyojuro exclaimed, holding her sister close to him. "My turn!" Runa said, sliding down her brother's side to get to the floor below. She covered her eyes with her hands and started counting. "1...2...3...uh, 4...." Kyojuro ran off to hide as she kept counting. 

Runa got all the way to seven before she forgot the rest. She hurried to find Kyojuro. 

She searched her room, his, and their parents room before she stood in the middle of the hallway, thinking of where he could be. 

She ran outside to the training grounds where Kyojuro trained and looked around. She smiled when she saw the familiar fabric of Kyojuro's robe behind the leaves in a tree. She rushed over to it, only to find that it was just his robe, no Kyojuro. 

"I win!" Kyojuro shouted from the porch, a red flag in his hand. 

Runa stomped her foot in anger. "No fair!" Kyojuro waved the flag in the air, a smile present on his face. She fell to the ground and started hitting the dirt with his fists. "You always win! I'll never win!" she sobbed. 

She heard footsteps and felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Kyojuro, smiling. "It's okay, Runa. When you get older, you'll get better at everything. And I have been training." 

"You're still young, so you have a lot to learn. For now, just have fun and don't think too much about losing." 

Runa's eyes sparkled with admiration. She wrapped her arms around her big brother and squeezed as tight as she could. Kyojuro smiled and hugged her back. After a moment, he picked her up and set her on his hip. 

"Mother made lunch. After that we can play again." he said, walking back into the house with Runa in his arms. "Okay!" she said with a smile. 

Runa sat in Kyojuro's lap as she ate. He handed her more fruit once she finished her strawberries 

"Nii-chan, want rice." she said, pointing to a bowl of rice on the table. He smiled as he handed her a small bowl. 

After lunch, they did what Kyojuro said they would and played another round of hide and seek. The rules were simple: hide from the seeker. If the seeker finds you, they win. But if the hider finds the flag the seeker hid, then they win, or if the seeker gives up. 

This time, Kyojuro was the seeker. He counted to ten and went to find Runa. 

He looked in all of the bedrooms, the kitchen, and outside, but there was no sign of her. He sat down on the couch to think. 

He heard a clatter from Runa's room and smiled as he went down the hall to find her. Little did he know, the person he was looking for was underneath him. 

Runa smirked as her plan had worked. She crawled out from underneath the couch and quickly went to find the flag that her brother hid. 

Kyojuro emerged from Runa's room, a confused look on his face. If she wasn't in there, where could she be? 

The confused boy went outside, looking at the ground in thought as he walked. "I win!" he heard someone shout. He looked up to see Runa standing beneath a tree, smiling, the flag in hand. 

Kyojuro smiled after a moment, proud of his little sister. Runa waved the flag in the air. "I win! I win!" she chanted happily. 

Her brother went over to her and picked her up. She waved the flag in his face. "Hey, I won." she informed as if she hadn't just announced it to the whole world a second ago. Kyojuro chuckled. 

A while later, Kyojuro had gotten Runa to settle down for a nap. He watched as her tiny chest heaved with each breath. He smiled. He loved his little sister so much. 


I would've updated sooner but my Wi-Fi was doin backflips. 

Blazing Heart - Demon Slayerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें