Chapter 2: What do teens do best?

Start from the beginning

"Thanks for the offer Toga," Midoriya said, seemingly not bothered by the nickname or the brutal offer, "but I don't think stabbing someone will help me feel better. And I don't think a hug would be the safest option since you might stab me and it would be uncomfortable for anyone to hug me."

Midoriya looked around at everyone as if showing Toga that no one was offering to hug him. No one was. They were just standing there awkwardly as they saw Toga pout and look at them with a familiar glint in her eye that made them feel the need to watch out for knives that may start coming their way.

After a couple of seconds, they heard Midoriya burst out into laughter. It sounded genuine despite the boy's appearance. "Don't worry, I don't expect any of you to actually hug me to make me feel better," he smiled, "Pretty sure that's the last thing you want to do. Although," he paused and turned to Kurogiri, "I'm almost finished with this tea, do you mind making another?"

"That's no issue at all," Kurogiri responded.



Shigaraki had gone to the corner with a pensive look on his face while the others started to have a conversation. Kurogiri meanwhile was making Midoriya's second cup of tea, still in a way that made the misty man look like he was happy to make it. Midoriya even seemed to be enjoying watching the warp villain make it. At some point, they all saw Midoriya take out the notebook that had been in the grocery bag.

When Toga had went over to Midoriya (who effectively dodged the knife she threw) she saw the beginning of a sketch of the teacup Midoriya drank out of earlier.

"It's so pretty Izuku-kun! I didn't know you could draw."

Midoriya smiled a sad smile, "Thanks Toga, I used to draw a lot, but haven't been able to for a while. I'm glad to see that the drawing isn't horrible, even if the lines are a little shaky."

Toga frowned at the words Midoriya was saying and she looked at Midoriya's hands. She could see that his fingers were a little crooked and the scars. She suddenly remembered how in the sports festival it looked like Midoriya had broken his fingers multiple times against Todoroki.

Before Midoriya could see Toga's frown she smiled and leaned against him, making him chuckle.

"Well, I still think it looks pretty Izuku-kun! Can you draw me something later?"

"Sure Toga."

Toga squealed in delight when Midoriya agreed, and she jumped before running over to Dabi who had been watching the scene with a careful eye.

"What was that all about Toga?" the flame user asked.

Dabi watched as the smile on Toga's face disappeared and was instead replaced with something a bit more serious.

"I think Izuku-kun is hurting," she pouted.

Dabu snorted, "I think that much is obvious Toga, the damn kid said he wasn't okay. Kind of confusing, to be honest." Dabi looked over to the hero student who was sitting on the bar doing something in his notebook.

His attention was brought back to Toga when the girl poked him.

"I know that! He's hurting in another way though and it isn't fair, I haven't even got the chance to cut him and he's hurting."

"What other way are you talking about?"

He tensed when Toga grabbed his hand and the girl ran a finger along where his bones were. "His hands Dabi," she said softly. Before she could say more Twice was pulling her away to talk to Compress.

Dabi looked at his hand and felt the phantom sensation of Toga running a finger along his skin. It was odd, usually, he had to avoid knives trying to cut or stab but instead Toga had been gentle. The way she spoke was without the usual manic tone. She had spoken calmly and softly. He looked back at Midoriya, the damn kid was confusing him. Nothing was making sense since Kurogiri had warped him to the bar. And now Toga was acting weird talking about the kid's hands.

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