Creatures of the Night (Part 2)

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Creatures of the Night (Part 2)


Alyssa's POV

I had fell asleep but I was awoken by the lightning. I jolted up, panting. I looked and seen Liam wasn't beside me. I looked around and didn't see him.

"Liam?" I called for him but no answer. There was no one and I mean no in the hallway. The lights were flickering and I seen nothing. "Liam?" I called out again. Still no answer. I turned the corner and got the shit scared out of me.

"Liam! Don't scare me like that!" I said and he had worry I his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"We have to find Scott." He said.

"But he's at that thing at the school. He won't let us come. Let's just stay here. It's..." I looked at my phone. "1 Am. Let's just get some sleep." I said but he refused.

"We habe to find him. We have to tell him-" I cut him off. "Tell him what?"

"Someone's after him. Someone is gonna steal his power-" I cut him off again.

"Don't worry. No one can steal a true alphas power. I thought you knew that?" I said.

"No, Parrish got attached. By something. It had huge claws and it scratched him. It's looking for Scott. Parrish said that it can probably steal his power if it wanted to. We have to help him. We have to find him before it does." He explained and I nodded.

We ran out of the hospital and to the school. I may have a month until my real powers but I sure in hell can run. When we got there, we seen Malia and Stiles... kissing, awww. Liam ran to them but Malia thought he was a threat so she pushed him buy his chest to the ground.

"Oh, my god." Stiles said. She held them to the ground as he panted. "Scott's in trouble!" He yelled.

We ran to them but it was too late. The thing with giant glowing blue claws had already gotten to Scott. Scott's eyes faded of its red.

But Scott grabbed his hand and his eyes glowed their normal red. He's okay. He stood up against the beast and broke his arm. The claws that he had, that had been lodged into Scott's chest, he pulled them out and threw them down.

"I don't know who you are or what you thought you were going to do, but I'll give you a choice. You can stay and I'll break something else. Or you can run." Scott spoke. The thing looked at us and I could feel my eye glow their purple color.

"I'd run." I said. It took my advice, got up and ran. Scott watched but when it was gone, he turned to us. He walked towards us as we walked towards them. Then there was someone else here. It was a guy. A preferably cute one... Wait wait wait. I have Liam. He's all I'll ever need.

He walked towards us. "You dont remember me, do you?" He asked us. We looked at him weird.

"I guess I look a little different since the fourth grade." He said. Scott's expression changed. "Theo?"

"You know him?" I asked. Theo looked at me with a flirty smirk, oh god. "They used to."

"Trust me, I never thought I'd see you guys again. Couple months ago, I heard of an alpha in Beacon Hills. When I found out his name was Scott McCall, just couldn't believe it. Not just an alpha, but a true alpha." Theo explained.

"What do you want?" Scott asked.

"I came back to Beacon Hills. Back home with my family. Because I want to be a part of your pack."

Scott told him, he'll think about it so, we headed back to the hospital since the others had that thing.

"Wanna just go to your house?" I asked.

"Yeah. That'd be great." He said and we headed there instead. Halfway there I turned to him and smiled and he smiled back.

"What do you think about Theo?" He asked me out of the blue.

"Um, seems weird." I said. "Why?"

"Oh, I don't know. He was staring at you an awful lot." I know where this is going. I stopped and turned to him. I intertwined our fingers and spoke.

"Look, Liam. I do not like Theo. I like you, Liam. Not Theo, or Scott, or Stiles, or anyone for that matter. I like you. I have since the day we met. Hell I'm in love with you." I said, it all coming from my heart, not my brain.

"What?" He asked astonished

"I-I love you. I know we're only sixteen but I love you. I always will. No one can change that. No one. Not Stiles, not Scott. And definitely not Theo." I said and he smiled.

"I love you too." He smiled and kissed me. I kissed back and we walked to his house. When we got there, I walked into his room and over to my bag that was in the corner.

I got me some shorts that came to my thighs and a tank top. I brushed my teeth and got in bed with him. He pulled me closer to him my back hit his chest.

"You know what's weird?" I asked.

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"All this. We went six months, six months without being killed. I mean, six months." I said. He nodded and put his head on the crock of my neck.

"It doesn't get any better than this does it?" I asked.

"What?" He asked.

"Just me and you, together. It seems so unreal. Like we can live happily ever after like nothing is going on around us. I mean something has to change, I don't want to, but, this just seems to good to be true, we're finally left alone from assassins and werewolves trying to kill us and hunters after us and everything else." I explained.

"Yeah, seems unreal. Maybe we're finally gonna be okay. Maybe we'll be left alone now." He said and I nodded.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"For what?" He asked liking at me. I turned my head to him. "Sophomore year."

"We already talked about this. Last night. Come on let's go to sleep. And yes, I guess I am." He was quiet for a while. "Are you?"

"I guess. I really want to make some girl friends. It's kinda awkward hanging with all of you. And Mason." He nodded in response. "Are you gonna tell him?"

"I don't know. I want to. But I would be putting myself at risk. All of you at risk." He said. "Did you ever find him?" He asked.

"No, I can't. I wish though. I'd like to find Andrew at least, he's a freshmen, so he shouldn't be really hard to find. I really wanna find my family." I said dozing off.

Word Count: 1155

Protect Those Who Can't Protect Themselves ➳ Liam Dunbar {2} ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora