𝟢𝟤𝟣,𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫

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Alright. Thomas is settled in front of her on a chair. There's an operation table beside him. Perfect for her to take his blood.

With a needle.


She has looked at it for a split second, and then looked right away.

It's so stupid.

"You don't have to. I'm sure there's other ways."

"Like what? Stabbing you to take some blood?" She spits out, frustrated. The girl sits down on the couch, hands sliding in her hair.

Gally plops down beside her, and wraps an arm around her body. "Instruct me what to do instead."

But she shakes her head. "I want to this. Only way of even getting over this stupid fear is facing it. And also, it's not like the needle will go in my skin. So it's ridiculous."

"I'll do it," Vince volunteers. "Not only my daughter but also my wife were familiar in the medical world. I'll manage, Joan, trust me. Just tell me what to do."

After a few more minutes of bickering, and assuring that they won't find her lame if she doesn't do this, Vince ends up taking Thomas's blood correctly, and she gets left alone so she can make the cure for Newt.

It's done after a while, and then there is the other struggle of giving him the injection.

She buries her head in Gally's shoulder. "How am I ever gonna become a doctor or a scientist in the Safe Haven if I can't even face needles?"

"Hey, come on now." He cups her face with a stern expression. "You'll manage. And if you don't, I'll do that work. Or you do science things that don't involve needles. But we don't have to worry about all of that now, alright?"

She sighs. "Alright. Vinc— Dad, can you give Newt the cure? Just inject it in his upper arm."

It feels weird to call him that, but somehow natural. She does remember him as her father, but it's the fact that she doesn't remember everything and that she hasn't seen him in such a long time that makes it weird.

Then Newt allows the man to give him the cure without a word, and also leaves without a word.

"Don't worry," Thomas says at their concerned expressions. Because of course, Thomas knows what's going on with Newt. "The Flare slowly makes you remember things before you forget them again and turn crazy. He told me some things that weren't exactly the happiest. And he told me something else after his outburst, which must've made him sad again."

Everyone except for Brenda, Jorge, and Vince in the room knows what he's talking about: Newt's leg, which he broke in the earlier stages of his life in the Glade.

Joan had remembered it and politely told Newt she now knew so she wouldn't be keeping such a private acknowledgment from him, and the rest had been there to experience the whole drama.

"I think I'm going to take a shower," she announces after a few seconds of silence.

Seems nice. A steaming, hot shower, with nice soap that'll relax her muscles before she throws herself into a death area tomorrow.

As she's lying her stuff down and puts on the shower in the bathroom they all share, she takes a look around.

Maybe not the best moment to say this, but she can't help it: "Gally, Thomas, Jeff, Newt, and Frypan... what hairs do you need razors for? You might've not noticed, but your cheeks are smooth like babies. Not manly."

𝐃𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐈𝐀 - TMR, Gally ² / ³Where stories live. Discover now