𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 02

Start from the beginning

She had no interest left in Nanu's words. She kept drinking tea silently without giving any answers.

"Mummy has sent some gifts for you. Should I bring them out now or tomorrow?" She had said in response to her questions.

"Don't open the luggage now, you must be tired, relax. I'll open your luggage with you tomorrow. Then see." Nanu had said. After drinking tea, Nanu had said to rest, and she got up and went to her room, lying down on the bed without changing clothes.

Umar Jahangir was not a new name for her. He used to come to Pakistan after every two, three years, mostly during holidays, with his father and family, and he used to stay there and this had been happening for many years. But this time he came after about six years, and for the first time, he came alone. There was a formal hello between Aleeza and him. He always seemed very reserved to her. Even in childhood, he was not the kind of child who easily mingled with other children. Aleeza was also like that, so there was never any informality between them. Sometimes it also happened that he came to spend holidays with his father and Aleeza went on holiday with her mom to Australia. That's why they never got much time to spend with each other, and even now Umar Jahangir's arrival was not a particular reason for her happiness.

She didn't realize how long she had been sleeping. When she woke up again, darkness had spread in the room. She tried to check the time by picking up her phone, but it was showing at 11:00 PM. She got up and turned on the lights in the room. Taking out clothes from the wardrobe, she went to the washroom. When she came back to the lounge, it was past 7:00 PM.

"So the lady is here!" Nana had said upon seeing her, and she went smilingly to hug him. "I tried to go to your room two or three times, but your Nanu stopped me, saying you might be disturbed..."

Nana had said to her, smiling, as she sat on the sofa, her gaze fixed on a person sitting on the sofa with a broad smile. When he noticed her attention, his smile deepened. Despite seeing him after a long time, Aleeza didn't take long to recognize him. When she saw Umar five years ago, he was particularly thin. But now he was the owner of a long, broad figure. He was eight years older than her. But in terms of height and stature, he seemed older than his age. She hesitated involuntarily. She didn't know how to address him, clearing her throat, she said, "Hello! How are you?"

Umar had lowered his head slightly.
"Oh! I'm fine"
"It means you have recognized me."
"Am I right, Aleeza?"
He responded to her statement as if he was a very deep friend of hers.

"Yes! Nanu told me about you." "She was....!"
She was talking to Umar when Nanu called her.

"Aliza! Shehla's calling, talk to her."
She glanced at Nanu in surprise, as she held a cardless in her hand.

"Excuse me!"

She left her conversation unfinished, taking the cardless from Nanu's hand and heading towards the dining area. She knew Shehla well and knew that she wouldn't be free for at least half an hour now. Shehla had the habit of making calls and today she was already engaged in a conversation. She kept talking to her for quite some time, and when she returned to the lounge after ending the call, Umar wasn't there. She continued chatting with Nanu and Nana, and from them she learned that he had gone out with a friend. She sat with Nanu for a long time after dinner. Then she went back to her room until Umar returned.

She woke up late in the morning when she came for breakfast, it was already half past ten. The cook had informed her that Nanu had gone out. Nana was usually at the club at this time. She was having breakfast when Umar also arrived there. After saying hello, he casually pulled up a chair in front of her and began having breakfast himself. He was also talking to her, asking her about her activities. He was asking about his engagements in Australia. Aleeza noted that he seemed much more cheerful than before. He wasn't as reserved as before. They continued their conversation in English for quite some time, then the servant brought juice for him. Umar had asked in Urdu very clearly for the first time.

"Please bring me the same in a glass, but first check if it's sour, and make porridge for me tomorrow, don't fry the eggs, boil them and serve."
He had given instructions to cook and started drinking juice.

She looked at him with a somewhat puzzled expression. He had thrown her off guard. Placing the glass on the table, he asked, "What happened?"

"You can speak Urdu!"
She said somewhere stuttering.

"Yes, I can speak. What's surprising about that?"
For the first time he answered her sentence in Urdu.

"I was thinking maybe you..."

"Why did you think so? Just because someone lives abroad doesn't mean they don't know their language."

"Whenever you used to come before, I never saw you speaking Urdu, so I thought..."
She had trailed off, trying to explain. Umar had cut her off with a smile.

"I never got the chance to have such long conversations with you before. Besides, I was much younger back then," he said.

She had noticed Umar's expression, which seemed particularly fortunate (delightful).

"The last time I saw you, you were much younger. I think eleven or twelve years old, and now..."

"But I must admit you are prettier now!" he added, Aleeza's cheeks turned red, and she lowered her head. She found Umar Jehangir quite odd; she didn't particularly like this boldness.

"I won't sit alone with him again," she thought as she ate her toast. After finishing breakfast, he got up and went back to her room. She took Kristy and sat in the lounge itself.


Their first proper Convo 🥀
Do tell me how's it??

Aleezay found him quite odd!
What is the first impression of Umer on you guys?

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