Chapter Thirteen

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I'll be honest. I don't know how long I can keep running from Balor. Sure, I've done it for a while now, but it still makes me anxious every time I evade him. I think that at one point, Balor is going to eventually catch us and kill us—something he could've done a long time ago, but he's failed to do it over and over again. Maybe it's my anxiety acting up again, but I just think that Balor's gonna catch us after a little slip-up from either Whiskey, myself, or both of us.

And quite frankly, I don't want Balor to catch us.

It'll ruin everything Whiskey and I have fought for. We've busted our asses trying to stop Balor from killing everyone in his path and bringing the world to the darkest ruin imaginable. And to think that there's a slight chance—the slightest chance anyone can think of—that Balor could ruin it all for us just worries me. Worries me to a great extent. And I just hope to God that I can muster up the strength and courage to win...because the world depends on me.

If I don't win, then I'll live with the most debilitating guilt known to man, and I'll never forgive myself for it.

I kept having to think about that while Whiskey and I were traveling down the highway to our next destination. I never know where we travel next until we're about a half-hour or an hour into the trip, but perhaps it's a good thing. Maybe Whiskey wants to keep me from panicking so much that I completely lose my mind.

"Where we headed?" I asked in an upbeat tone of voice.

"You'll find out in about a couple hours, sugar," Whiskey answered.

I whined incessantly, desperately wanting an answer. "But I wanna know now!"

"Shh," he said, pressing his finger up to my lips. "Patience, sugar. Have some patience, and I'll tell ya in a lil' while."

I groaned. "Fine," I said sharply and angrily.

I crossed my arms over my chest angrily, turning to look out the passenger side of the truck. Something about traveling down long, winding roads of the unknown just stirred my curiosity to a great extent. What on Earth could be out there that I have yet to discover? Whatever that may be, I hope that I'll soon find it in the long run...after this war with Balor is over.

"You still mad at me?" Whiskey asked.

"Mm hmm," I mumbled, not moving a single inch to acknowledge him. I still kept looking out the passenger side into the unknown lands.

He bit his lip, knowing that he was about to go against the boundary he previously set. Then again, he'd be happy to break that boundary because he's keeping me happy...and that's the best thing he could do.

"Would it make you feel better if I told ya where we're goin'?" he asked.

I nodded. "Uh huh."

He let out a very audible sigh, letting me know that he's relented from his previous boundary. "Fine. I'll only tell ya because you look so goddamn hot."

"Hee hee," I laughed in a cute tone.

"I'll give you a hint. We're going to a city known for The Strip," he said.

Thinking he was dead serious about another thing, I started taking off my jacket, but I was extremely hesitant in doing so. I don't know why I'm always this hesitant, but I just am. Whiskey glanced over to me quickly, and his eyes widened with horror.

"No! No, no, no, no!" he exclaimed. "Not that kind of strip."

My bottom jaw dropped, leaving me stunned. "Oh! Oh! Oh God! I am so sorry. I thought you meant somethin' else."

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