Chapter Three

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Not too long after, Whiskey and I found ourselves driving past the "Welcome to Chattanooga" sign, which meant that the old and fond memories I had of this town started to come flooding back to me. The good, the bad...they all, once again, resonated in my mind with more authority than I could imagine. Despite everything I tried to do, they wouldn't stay out of my mind. But I had Whiskey, so...these memories seemed insignificant compared to him.

"Just a bit more to go, Whiskey," I said, pointing to the road where my house was, "and we should be there shortly."

I could tell that he was getting more nervous the closer we got to my childhood home. I completely understood that. The fact that he'd never met my parents before. He was nervous about the fact that they wouldn't approve of him.

It didn't get much better once we pulled into the driveway, as his heart was racing a thousand miles a minute. Beads of sweat were forming rapidly along his brow. Yeah. He's definitely nervous as hell, I thought to myself. What can I do to help him be less nervous?

"You okay?" I asked after he put the truck in park.

He sighed, coming over to the passenger side of the truck to open the door for me. "Not really, sugar," he said with anxiety lingering in his voice. "Just nervous as hell, you know?"

"You have nothing to be nervous about, baby," I reassured him, grabbing his hand as he helped me out. "Just be your normal, gentleman self, and there's no doubt that they'll quickly warm up to you. Hell, my momma might just shower you with questions, hugs, and a shitload of food. She'll almost definitely think of you as another son."

"What about your dad?" he questioned.

I inhaled sharply as I tried to formulate my next words. "My daddy might be a little more hesitant, since I'm the oldest daughter. But I'm sure he'll love you after a little convincing."

As we walked up the pathway up to the front door, he and I grasped each other's hands, holding them as tight as we could. It was the least I could do for Whiskey, who was trembling in his boots more than ever.

My poor baby.

"Don't worry, babe. They're gonna love you," I said to Whiskey, pressing down on the doorbell until it rang.

It took a couple minutes, but finally, the door gently swung open. And who did I see across the threshold? My littlest brother Shane.

"Hi, bud!" I exclaimed.

His face lit up as if it was Christmas all over again, as he ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug.

"Rocky! You're here," he said. "I haven't seen you in—in a—while."

I laughed. "Well, bud, I got tied up at work. But I'm here now!"

My little brother dashed off inside the house to notify my mother of my arrival. I guess he was too excited to wait, as he dashed off before Whiskey and I could even enter the home. We walked cautiously into the home, taking in the new smells and sounds that arose during this time of year.

It was always wild on the holidays, considering all the people that were there. Parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents...a shitload of them always make the trek in order to celebrate with the rest of their family. And if you couldn't tell already...I have a pretty big family. A big, wild, rambunctious family.

Soon after that, my mother walked into the hallway, her warm smile spreading across my face as soon as she locked eyes with me. I was surprised that she still remembered my face. After all, I hadn't seen her in about a year.

"Veronica!" she exclaimed, embracing me tightly. "It's good to see you."

"Good to see you too, Ma," I answered.

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