Part 26 (The meeting)

Start from the beginning

When the doors reopened, my mind immediately came flooding with thoughts about how stupid my plan was, and that I needed to rethink it. However, surprise surprise, nothing seemed reasonable, and with my panicking, I found out that I was now late.

Walking in as calmly as I could, I saw all three of the V's sitting down, staring at me with glares in their eyes, well, except for Miss. Velvette who was too busy on her phone texting what seemed to be very angry messages to someone.

"Well hello Husk, pleasure to see you again, how've you been? Do please take a seat" Vox said, sounding rather prideful of himself.

Not answering the other question, I took a seat across from them, and took a deep breath.

"I wanted to discuss with you about the little 'showdown' that happened two days ago. So if we could please get Mr. Angel Dust up here, that would be grand." I said, confidence reaching every part of my voice. "Oh~ Is there something wrong?~" Valentino asked, and my fucking lord his voice sounds like a slimy trail of saliva. What I would give to shut him up for good...

"Yes. There is. So please bring him up." "Very well, Velvette, could you go get Val's little boy toy?" Vox asked. This for some reason caught Velvette's attention rather quickly because she looked at Vox and then looked at me, then closed her eyes and leaned back saying one word. "No."

"Uh.. hah, excuse me?" Vox said, now looking upset at Velvette. "I said no. Besides, he's not even here." Now this comment made all of us alert. "What in the FUCK do you mean he's not here?" Vox yelled, while Valentino's eyes narrowed. I just stood up looking furious. This whole meeting was for me to get Angel back, and he wasn't even here?!?!

"What the hell is she talking about Vox?" I asked, directing my attention towards him. "I don't know. But I'll get him myself since obviously VEL is LYING." Vox said, now leaving. "Hang on, I'm coming as well." I stated, not giving them time to tell me no.

We then all got in the elevator, because apparently now everyone was going like it was some kind of field trip. As he clicked the button to the last floor, we all waited anxiously, but thankfully it didn't last a while, because so the doors reopened, and out we went to a dimly lit hallway.

Upon entering a beat up room, I noticed an empty chair, rope, some sat out water, and a tv.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE VELVETTE?!?" Vox shouted, his screen lighting up, too bright for anyone's liking. Though, Velvette looked annoyed about all the yelling and just rolled her eyes. "Hell if I know." She said nonchalantly, which made all of us even more mad.

"Then how did you know he wasn't here earlier Velvette?! Did something happen?" I asked, trying to keep my cool, which wasn't really working, but I had to at least try.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I caught him looking for Alastor's documents in Vox's workroom. Then he left. No idea where he went though." She said, shrugging her shoulders

"Wait- WHAT?!?! YOU SAW HIM LOOKING THROUGH MY STUFF, AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN STOP HIM?!?!" Vox yelled, grabbing Velvette by the arms. "Nah." She said back in the calmest voice with a smirk plastered on her face.

While they were too busy arguing with each other, more or so, Vox doing the arguing, I did some thinking. If Angel was looking for Alastor's documents, I wouldn't put it past them to make a deal.. Meaning that Angel must be at the hotel as we speak. Shit. Hopefully he's safe there and I'm right. However, this meant I had to find a way to get out of here without them noticing.

"Right well. Considering he's not here, I'll come back tomorrow so we can finish this meet-" I tried stalling, but was instantly cut off by Valentino grabbing my shoulder, keeping me in place. "Now now sweetheart~ Where are you off to in such a rush?" He then looked over to Velvette and Vox, grabbing their attention away from each other. "It seems to me that this little pussy, just might know where my dear Angel cakes is. Well?~" He asked, his fingers seeping into my fur and skin.

I gave a small hiss as blood started showing through my shirt, while Vox came closer and looked me up and down. "Well won't you tell us?" Vox then punched me in my gut, strong enough to make me spit up just a tad bit, but luckily not enough to make me throw up. Even though I knew where this was heading, I still didn't like it, because hell if I know that I can take on 3 overlords by myself.

I then grabbed the empty chair and swung it at Valentino's face, making him lose balance to fall over, and used my wings to form a gust of wind, making Vox cover himself, because thankfully it was extremely dusty in here.

Velvette and I then looked at each other, but she just went back on her phone ignoring what was happening right in front of her, giving me my cue to leave. Upon running toward the elevators, Vox came over, and in just one second, took out an angelic knife, and swung for me.

My reflexes were quick, but not quick enough to dodge it fully, so my arm was gashed onto, while I used one of my cards to swing at him, slamming right into his abdomen. I then got into the elevator, and clicked on the first floor. Trying to cover my arm and hide the puddle of blood, I ran out, pushing past all of the reporters who were busy yelling and gasping at me and how I looked. I then reached outside, spread open my wings, and started flying straight towards a hill with a huge building that read 'Hazbin Hotel'.

About 10 minutes of flying later, my head started to feel dizzy from the blood loss, but I used my final amount of strength to burst open the doors of the hotel, and fell to the ground passing out.

A/N: AH SORRY IT'S SHORT!! The reason why is because my dog just came back from surgery, so most of my time and attention is going towards him...

HOWEVER- MY NEW TIKTOK IS NOW UP! But the video will most likely be posted tomorrow!! If you wanna view it, it's my name 'Shirtpotatoeclock' So yeah!! I hope you enjoy!!! AND FOR REAL. GO TO SLEEP YUH LUNATICS.

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