17 wait, no please

16 0 4

y'all i'm sorry but i've been planing this. By the way i know evan's birthday won't line up, but whatever. BRO I JUST REALIZED THAT I FUCKED UP SO BAD😭😭, so pretend all the past chapters are from 1982😘. ALSO BACKSTORY OF THIS CHAPTER: you and micheal have been dating for at least 5 weeks, you guys have been arguing a lot recently about nonsense. y/n is realizing maybe it's better for her and micheal not to date and just be friends. Even after all of the romance, gifts, hook ups. Although micheal doesn't believe that, and thinks y'all are meant for each other. They think it's best for a break. I mean it's a new relationship so...

January 6, 1983

now playing...
Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode


    "Hey, Mike" i say when Micheal answered my call. I really don't want to do this but I think is for the best.

      Micheal's expression becomes serious as he listens to you on the other end of the line. "What's going on?" he asks softly. He can sense that something is wrong, and his heart starts to race with worry. "Meet me outside my house, come quick" there's a pause in my voice for a second. "Please" | say. Micheal's heart races with worry as he hears the urgency in your voice.

     "Of course, I'll be there as soon as I can," he says quickly before hanging up the phone. He jumps into his car and drives over to your house, his mind racing with worry about what could have happened.
I hear a knock and I immediately know it's Micheal. I walk over to the door and open it. "Hi" I say nervous.

      Micheal looks at you with concern in his eyes. "Hey, what's going on?" he asks softly as he steps inside your house. He can sense that something is wrong and wants to help however he can. I take his hand and lead him to my room. "Come," I say.
Micheal follows you into your room, his heart racing with worry. "What's going on?" he asks again as he looks at you expectantly.

   "Okay, I've been meaning to tell you this. Oh wait here sit down on the bed" I pat on the spot.
Micheal sits down on the bed as you instructed, his heart racing with worry. "What's going on?" he asks again, his voice soft and gentle. He can sense that whatever you're about to tell him is important.

    I pace around the room. "I'm just going to say this straight forward.." I say looking at him. "I think we should take a break, I mean we have been arguing over the stupidest little things ever. We can still be friends if you want. But maybe a one week break." I say grabbing a seat and holding his hands.

    Micheal looks at you with surprise and disappointment in his eyes. "A break?" he asks softly, feeling hurt by your words. He had thought that the two of you were happy together, but now it seems like there's something wrong. "Yea, I'm sorry. I know, I kinda don't want this to happen. But I think we should take a break from the arguing and everything" I say with a sad smile. Why the actual fuck am I smiling I don't even want this.

    Micheal looks at you with a mixture of sadness and understanding in his eyes. "I don't want to take a break either," he says softly, "but if it's what you need then I understand." He squeezes your hand gently before standing up from the bed. "Just know that I'll be here for you no matter what," he says with a sad smile before heading towards the door.
"Thanks mike." I say. Micheal turns back towards you with a sad smile. "Anytime," he says before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.
       As he walks down the hallway, his heart feels heavy with sadness and confusion. He had thought that everything was going well between you two, but now it seems like there's something wrong. He decides to give you some space for now and wait until you're ready to talk again.

    I feel bad, but I just couldn't anymore. It was getting annoying. No relationship should be like this.  Yea maybe some arguments but still.

Very short chapter lol.

Words: 733

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