[Ch 2, Act 13] The monsters.

Start from the beginning

Inzagi swiftly grabs the crystal, as the two tyrants' eyes widened, Fujio being taken by the machine once again.

"H... He... Cate.." - Inzagi whispered to the crystal as the crystal began to glow.

"NO, YOU FUCKING CUNT!" - Xeno swiftly grabs a dagger and quickly slices through the body of Merodee, completely splitting her in half. But, her body continues to feel, as she twitches from the pain, due to the adrenaline that was injected inside her, earlier.

Suddenly, a strong portal with an extreme aura, green butterflies and green vines surrounding it opens up, blasting Xeno and the lady away, along with her thrusters.

Inside the portal, a high pitched scream was heard as Sumiko swiftly dashed through the portal, immediately charging at the lady with the thrusters.

Next, Syu enters through the portal and clashes blades with Xeno immediately, her eyes being completely different, from how she would look. This time, she was filled with fury, as she glared at Xeno, as their daggers and kunais clashed.

Finally, a lady with a green aura, completely glowing floats above the portal, summoning strong spirits of guardians around Inzagi, as they healed his wounds.

Hecate, the goddess of sorcery arrives into the battle and absorbs the soul of Fujio, releasing it into the heavens, making Fujio rest.

Hecate summons her staff and releases a green light throughout the field, to ensure that Xeno doesn't summon an army of deceased people.

Eventually, Xeno pushes Syu out of the way, as he beats her in their clash. Xeno immediately dashes through the green guardians, to try and stab Inzagi, to kill him off. Xeno had a huge grin, as the blood of Inzagi's mother was splattered all over his face.

Immediately, Sumiko jumps Xeno and pushes him at intense speeds. Sumiko screamed at the top of her lungs

"BACK THE FUCK OFF." - Sumiko screamed, as the high pitch of her voice and the high pressure of her speed began to bust the ear drums of Xeno. Sumiko's sclera began to turn black, as her hair grew darker and darker

Xeno was in disbelief and was unable to move, from the amount of pressure on his body. Sumiko endlessly ran in rage, as he held Xeno in his shirt. Eventually, Sumiko arrives at the ruined city of Yin, and she begins to destroy the scaffolding by running into it, using Xeno as a shield.

Hecate swiftly casts a spell on Sumiko, despite being from an extremely far distance. Sumiko felt the power in her legs, as she jumped extremely high, bringing Xeno up with her.

Sumiko's pupils went blank, from so much rage as they reached an extremely high altitude. Sumiko lets go of Xeno, as they stop in the air. Sumiko swiftly kicks Xeno down, at high speed as she follows and begins to press her thumbs into Xeno's throat, screaming at Xeno at an intense pitch range.

Xeno felt the pain all over his body, as Sumiko kicked him down once again, making his fall quicker.

Sumiko catches up once again and kicks Xeno down once more, before catching up with him and using him as a shield, when they fall.

Eventually, Xeno hits the ground and the field of Yin begins to crack at the shape of an X, from the extreme impact. Xeno groaned in so much pain, as Sumiko threw him at sonic speed, slicing his body all over with her katana, mid air.

Sumiko then grabs Xeno and uses him as a sled, as they slide through the rocky fields of Yin. Sumiko swiftly grabs Xeno's throat and twists it, soon breaking it and pulling it out.

Xeno was unable to regenerate, because Sumiko had her blade blessed by Hecate, before going through the portal.

The man was once again afraid, as she looked at Sumiko, bleeding from his jaw being taken apart from his skull.

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