Chapter 12

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Azazel was finally able to bring Y/N to his apartment and set him down on the couch. But it wasn't without its difficulties.

He noticed immediately that Y/N was a bigger and heavier person than others. But regardless, Azazel had helped him get back.

Once inside, he decided to take in what his apartment looked like, and it was very small. The living room and kitchen were connected, but even then, his own bathroom was bigger than Y/N's living space.

On the coffee table were multiple cans of beer and a couple whiskey bottles along with vodka and spiced rum. He was just extremely glad that there was no everclear. He didn't think Japan sold it anywhere but you can find anything if you really wanted to.

The smell was what threw everything off as well. It was a combination of smoke, liquor, and a touch of body odor. And Azazel didn't like that Y/N was living in such conditions.

With Y/N sprawled out on his couch, he took the opportunity to make a quick phone call. Walking outside on the extremely small balcony, he dialed an all too familiar number.

The line was ringing until the voice spoke. "Hello."

He answered, "I found him earlier than expected and did what you asked. And to be honest, I think he's in worse shape than you and I thought."

Azazel could hear a sigh come from the other end. "That's what I was afraid of... is there anything more you can do?" The voice was sounding slightly apprehensive and hopeful at the same time.

Azazel rubbed his chin and thought for a couple seconds, "Yeah... but I want to do it my way."

There was slight hesitation from the other end. He knew that the other person didn't really want him to say that, but what other choice did they have.

"Fine. Please... just take care of him." Now the voice sounded the smallest bit of being desperate.

He smirked and chuckled a bit, "I will... but I have to ask, why did you quote unquote 'adopt' Y/N?"

"Another day Azazel. Just take care of my 'son'."

"You have my word, Penemue." Then Azazel ended the call.

Azazel sighed and began thinking to himself. 'I need to help him.' He may be somewhat selfish and a bit conceited, but he would do anything for anyone when it comes to brass tacks.

He knew Penemue, aka Y/N's mother, from being a colleague of his. They both used to work in the military, and both her and Azazel were close due to their line of work.

He leaned on the railing and began to reminisce about the times they had. Cracking jokes on the front lines and having arguments with one another about stupid things. It was simply an awesome friendship.

But after hearing her tell him about her predicament with her 'son', he began to grow curious. Not once had he seen her pregnant, and yet, she claimed to have a kid, and the kid in question was already 4 years old at the time.

But that reminiscing would need to wait since Y/N is on the other side of the door. The only thing he knew right now was that he needed to help Y/N.

From his short interaction, he knew that the kid went through a lot and had led a somewhat sad life. Azazel knew how that felt on a personal level.

He shuddered at those small dark memories he had, but he quickly shook it off and turned around to the patio door. Placing a firm grip on the doorknob, Azazel opened it and saw Y/N sitting up on his couch, looking around.

"You good kid? I brought you back to your place. And before you get any fucked up ideas, NO! I did not touch you while you were asleep. I ain't no pedophile."

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