Chapter 8

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A new semester had started and it was the final few months before Y/N, Rias, and Akeno would graduate from Kuoh Academy. The entire month of January was the usual. Nothing too interesting had happened that warranted any outstanding recollection from Y/N's memories.

Now, it was finally a month into the new semester. Stepping out of his apartment, Y/N noticed that the day was a lot colder than he expected. Sure it was February, but he thought it should be warming up with spring being just around the corner.

After several days of contemplation, Y/N decided that it was now or never. With Valentine's Day coming up, he felt it was the perfect time to give his longtime crush a love letter.

One of the main reasons was because of Rias. She had actually told him that if he didn't confess to her before the end of the month, then she would see to it that Akeno would become part of Issei's 'harem'. Even though in reality Rias actually wouldn't allow it.

The mere thought of that was disturbing. Needless to say, her other 'threats' to him were concerning as well. Realizing that there was no way to win against Rias and her constant nagging, he relented.

To make it worse, she made him swear by it with a pinky promise.

It was February 13th and Y/N couldn't wait to get home to write the letter. School that day was difficult for Y/N to pay attention in class due to his mind wandering to other topics. All day he had butterflies in his stomach due to the anticipation.

Although, a small side of him felt pathetic. He believed that it was slightly dumb because he was acting like a little kid on Christmas morning. Similar to how they get when they receive a gift that they always wanted.

Speaking of Christmas, he had remembered spending that holiday alone. He of course was invited by Rias to spend time with her family and Issei at their mansion but he declined. He didn't want to intrude on their time together, even though Rias' family considers Y/N as one of their own.

But what really made Christmas break one to remember was Akeno. When she opened the gift, she was pleasantly surprised to see a silver bracelet that had small chain links around it. She usually wasn't one for wearing jewelry or going out of her way to get them.

She had spent some time with her mother and her father, who was able to take time off and visit, even though it was just for that one day. Her mother was delighted that her daughter received a gift such as that but her father was worried/furious that a boy would steal their daughter from them.

Akeno had sent Y/N a selfie showing her wearing it around her wrist. She had actually sent him a couple of them with her doing different poses showcasing the piece of jewelry. Needless to say, those pictures made him happy and something he would cherish.

Y/N even saved those pictures to his laptop in a cloud database. Should anything happen to his phone or laptop, he would always have them. However, that made him feel sort of creepy, but it wasn't like he was going to be looking at them 24/7.

But thinking back to that memory made him happy.

Walking back from the academy after an uneventful day of classes, Y/N decided to take a small detour from his apartment and went to a convenience store. Luckily, through his time here at Kuoh, he found this store had everything, and that included materials for his love letter.

While perusing the store and its aisles he came across some girls from school. He wanted to avoid them and pretended to look at other items that were in the aisle next to them. It was always awkward seeing classmates on the streets outside of the academy.

Backing up, he bumped into Issei as well as Kiba when he was trying to avoid those girls from school. "Sorry about tha- oh hey Y/N, what's up." Y/N looked at them with a finger over his lip, telling them to be quiet. Thankfully, they both got the hint and lowered their stance a bit.

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