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Raji pov

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Raji pov

It had been about 3 weeks since I spoke to Tasia. I don't know what's going on but, it's like she is distancing herself. When I try to talk to her, she doesn't say more than a few words. It kind of hurts my feelings, but I don't know what to do. This was our last rehearsal, after this filming the movie. I saw Tasia about to leave, before thinking I grabbed her arm and pulled her into a room. "What is your problem? Did I do something wrong ""No ""Then why are you distancing yourself. You talk to everyone else, but when it comes to me you only say a few words." "I just have a lot on my plate, I don't really want to talk about it, but I know you would try and make it better." I knew there was more to it but she just stopped talking. "I love you Tasia, I wouldn't have made you talk about something you don't want to talk about."

I gave her a hug and a little peck on the cheek. I went home and took a shower; it was a lot on my mind. After I was done getting ready for the night, I went to the kitchen to look for something to eat. There was a knock at the door, I didn't call anyone over, so I was surprised to see Tasia standing there crying. I didn't even say anything, I just gave her the biggest hug and comforted her. We found our way into the house, that's when she told me she wasn't okay. I told her that she didn't have to explain herself. I showed her the guest bedroom, "You can stay for however long you need." I closed the door. I got a call and looked at my phone to see who it was from.

*Incoming call from Nathan*

"Fuck, not now* i whispered going to my room. "What is it, Nathan?" "Why are you answering the phone like that?" "Because I'm in the middle of something, what is it?" "Well, we have an assignment so get ready I'll be there an hour" "Fuck me" "Gladly" "Shut up stupid I'm not talking to you" i hung up. I got dressed, I was nervous as hell. This part of my life I hide, I was doing so great. I went to my closet and locked it. I opened the little cabinet, I looked at all the guns, wigs, and more that were in there. I put on a blond wig with a black jumpsuit. I was an assassin. It wasn't something I was proud of, but I started so that my son could survive. Although I didn't want to do it anymore, they weren't going to let me go. The only way I was getting out of this is if I died, or killed unc but that was too risky. I walked to the guest bedroom, to find Tasia sleeping. I left her a note on the nightstand. I didn't know how this was going to go. I kissed her forehead and left. Nathan pulled up and I got in the car. I slowly started to look at the front door as we pulled off.

You look good.

I'm not doing this with you.

Do what.

You know what you're doing.

Telling you that you beautiful

Nathan, I've told you already. We're done, for good there is not getting back to what we had you ruined that. Remember

I didn't mean to. I'm sorry.

I ignored him, and I started asking him what the assignment was. "Unc wants us to deliver a message to The Salvatore's. They keep trying to take our territory, and Unc doesn't like that. "I looked at the plan and started to get ready. I always put on a mask so that people never see my face. If some has well, let's just say they can never tell. We arrived and snuck in everything was going good till, some came around the corner, "SHIT" i yelled. I was shot twice, once in my arm and the other in my side. We finished and Nathan kept trying to help me. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME NATHAN, I GOT IT JUST TAKE ME HOME" He took me home and i got out the car.

I tried my hardest not to make a lot of noise. I bumped into a vase, which made a loud noise. I went to my bathroom and took my jumpsuit off. I didn't realize it was bleeding so much. I heard my bedroom door open. Then in my bathroom, it was too late for me to try and hide it. I hear Tasia yelling for me. "RAJI WHERE ARE YOU" she came into the bathroom seeing me on the floor bleeding. "WTF HAPPENED, ARE YOU OKAY. I GOING TO CALL THE COPS" Before she could leave i grabbed her wrist "DONT, I'm fine ""What do you mean your fine you're bleeding. What happened Raji?" "It's best if you didn't know, can you just help me to my bed please?" She hesitated before she helped me. I laid in bed, as I saw her leaving.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to clean there is blood everywhere."

"No, come here. Lay with me"


"Just lay with me."

She got into the bed, but I could tell she was scared to be this close to me. I just wanted her to hold me. "Hold me" she hesitated "I'm fine, okay I just want you to hold me. Please" She wrapped her arms around my neck as I laid on her chest. I looked up at her, I didn't know what it was about her. She made me feel safe. I kissed her, before I could even realize what had happened, she kissed me back. We started to make out before she stopped. "We can't do this. I'm married, it wouldn't be right." As much as I wanted her, I respected her decision.

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Tasia Pov

I woke up and ran to the bathroom to throw up. I had been throwing up for at least 2 weeks. Raji woke up, I guess she heard me.

"Are you okay" "Yeah, you should be in bed not worrying about me. Go get back in the bed ""im fine, what's wrong"" nothing just had to throw up. I just haven't been feeling well." She looked at me confused/Shocked. "What, why are you looking like that?" "umm—" "What?" "Have you thought that you might be pregnant?" I hadn't thought of that. I mean I had been having sex with Kendall, but we always use condoms. " What no. I can't be pregnant."

She walked to her cabinet holding her side. She brought out a pregnancy test. She gave me a look, "take it, only one way to find out" she left, closing the door. I just stood there, for a while. I took the test and yelled for Raji. "RAJI, CAN YOU COME HERE" she opened the door "what's going on" I told her I didn't want to see it, so she waited till it was time to look.


Yall think she pregnant? 

What should happen next?

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