Author's Note

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I have waited so long to write this! I wasn't sure if I would include Clay in this, but I

decided to after seeing the results of the first crossover story. Don't worry, he is still alive in the

alternate universe I've written and will continue to be since I did kill off Diego. Anyway, I feel

like that one of the missed opportunities is Klavier Gavin. He cannot be ok after the everything

that happened to him in Apollo Justice. That would scare anyone. Honestly, I know it was a

tradition to introduce a new prosecutor with each game, but I wished Klavier was the prosecutor

for the third case in Dual Destinies. I am fine with Apollo and Athena being the defense

attorneys, but Klavier should've been the prosecutor. It would've been great! I also believe this

man would be extremely lonely. He lost his brother, best friend, and mentor in the span of a year.

Not to mention, Apollo leaves, Ema goes to work with Edgeworth, and Trucy is always busy

with her magic show. He's not with those he was close to anymore. Seriously, why isn't this

explored?! He needs help! Anyway, I thought it would be fun if he had an adventure. Yes, I will

still believe he is best friends with Sebastian because that should be a thing. As for Apollo, he

would be Klavier's new best friend, because Klavier needs a friend now. I feel like the friendship

between them would be important. Both need friends, because both went through the same

nonsense. Apollo lost his best friend, mentor, and father figure. There's no way he's ok either.

That and the nonsense that is Justice for All. He's been abandoned! How is he ok?! Anyway, the

point of this story is to prove that they need friends and to talk this out. I hope that the next Ace

Attorney game will address this, but who really knows what we are getting since there are so

many directions the series can take. I do hope that Apollo and Klavier receive proper closure on

this. It would be a wonderful way to bring both their stories to a proper end and give them the

ending they rightfully deserved. That being said, the main lesson of this story is to know that a

person is not alone. Loneliness is a cruel enemy, and I know everyone has their own version of it.

There is no reason a person should ever be forced to be alone. No one should think they do not

have no reason to. Everyone deserves someone in their life. There is no reason for anyone to ever

be alone. No one should ever be forced to be alone by anyone's hand. They should always have a

person or anyone there. I know human interaction is completely draining and not for everyone,

but I hope that a person will continue to have someone there in their life through it all.

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