Chapter 10: The Case is Closed!

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(And with that, another story is finished! Don't worry, the next one will be posted once everything is wrapped up for this one! Honestly, I am happy with how simple this one turned out! Especially since I've been working on a lot of projects. Also, this could not have been finished at a more perfect time. Especially since two anniversaries happened. Enjoy!)

(Athena's POV)

Buckingham Palace, Grand Stage

May 14th, 10:44 AM

               That's it, Apollo! I knew you could do it! I can't wait to embrace and throw him for everything he put me through! Does he have no idea how worried I was?! Honestly, what is wrong with him!?

"Cykes-dono, please keep your mind sharp and aware" Simon spoke in that intimidating voice he loves to use, "We should carry out our next part of the plan, after all! We shouldn't keep Justice-dono and his friends back!"

I cracked my hands with a smirk on my face.

"Oh yeah!" I answered as confidence laced my voice, "I don't plan to hold him back. Especially since we are so close to defeating Daryran! Nothing's gonna stop me now! Are you ready?!"

"After you, Cykes-dono!" Simon spoke with a bow as I charged on ahead!

I ran towards the first guard holding a pistol and threw him over my shoulder! I twisted his arm to make him drop it while the other took aim at me. He shouldn't have done that, because Simon drew his katana to cut the pistol in half and stand between us.

"How foolish you are!" Simon spoke with a smirk before drawing the blade again to charge!

He swung the blade to cut the man down with a wound that wouldn't kill him before turning to face the other foe. I made sure to knock out the guard I held before taking another turn to handle another one.

"Athena?!" Apollo shouted, finally recovering from the fact that his awesome girlfriend is here.

"Yep, yep!" I answered before throwing another guard on the ground, "Simon and I got it here! All you need to do is prove that Daryran is up to no good which is definitely not going to be too hard if you ask me! So, hurry up already! Finish him!"

I know you've got this, so what are you waiting for?! Hurry up, Apollo! Finish this case already!

(Apollo's POV)

I was so happy to see Athena again. I know she let me go on this trip, but I smiled in relief to see her here. Anyway, she's right. I've got to stop Dayran right here and now!

"I agree. I need to prove that you were up to no good" I spoke with my arms crossed as I faced Daryran, "Let's start from the beginning. You weren't pleased to see me at all when Klavier went to invite me to this. In fact, I am sure that made your plans easier too since you could get rid of me with him"

The former officer only nodded his head in agreement with that smile of his still present on his features. He seemed so happy about that, but at least he was willing to corporate at the very least.

"Ah, but it wasn't just that moment either, Herr Forehead" Klavier spoke as he stood up in a knowing tone, "Am I right, Daryran? There was another moment when Apollo ate something that did not agree with him. You wouldn't let me go and check on him at all"

Daryran only shrugged before confessing, "Yeah that was right. The plan was to get Apollo away from you. We figured it would be best to get rid of him first since we agreed that we didn't like Apollo the most"

That made some sense since I am the one who put Daryran away, but why did Mike want me gone?

"I believe that would be because of us" Fendi spoke as he arrived with Lucy behind him, "We were the ones to put him away, so he naturally doesn't like us. We were going to work with you before this, so in a way, this was a way to get rid of you as well. I would like to know how long I was a target for?"

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