Chapter 7: Saluti Italy

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(Italy is such a cool country to visit. I really liked it at least. Wonderful food, beautiful scenery, and amazing weather! Honestly, I wish I had enough money to live in Europe. I want to visit it again one day. Though, I suppose I have other places I want to visit and go on adventures to as well. Well, my adventures aren't really that grand. Enjoy!)

(Apollo's POV)

Principe di Savoia, Balcony

May 13th, 8:03 AM

You know, I would have loved to visit Italy when I wasn't on a case that didn't involve any of us in impending doom. Of course, that cannot be the case at all! So, for now, we are staying at one of the fanciest and richest hotels I have ever seen! I know Yuta would've paid for it, but I don't think he did.

"Who paid for this?" I asked as we were standing on the balcony and overlooking a few venues for the concert Klavier was going to perform again.

Lucy answered without hesitation, "The royal family! They owe the prof and his family a few!"

You know what? I should've known. This was my fault. Anyway, we were standing on a clear balcony with a nice table between us and holding a couple of drinks and some food. There is a file holding a few papers as well as a laptop. We were deciding what to do next and waiting for Alfendi to come back.

"Do you know what is taking him so long?" I asked curiously.

"Well, I do have a theory" Lucy answered with a shrug, "And you'll finally get ta meet his brother!"

Oh, right. He has a brother. I wonder what he is like. I hope he is less insane as his brother. I don't know what that will be, but I know that the Layton family is important and highly regarded. I've always wanted to work with them, and I can't believe I am working with one who happens to be insane. Then again, Mr. Wright did talk about how insanely good his father is. I suppose that is the same. The doors opened to reveal just Alfendi? Huh, I guess I will not meet his brother after all.

"Ah, you must be Apollo Justice" he spoke in a more polite tone as he held his hand out to shake, "I am Alfendi Layton. Please call me Fendi. I already know that you met my brother, Al"

I am so confused, but I tried my best to not show it as I shook his hand. He laughed in an understanding tone as he let go of my hand.

"Do not worry, I understand. He and I both share this body. I am one of his personalities. Al, the original one, is the main personality" Fendi explained as I suddenly realized how great they would be if they ever met Athena.

Well, at least it made sense.

"Prof! Do ya have ta info?" Lucy asked excitedly as she rushed up to him.

"That I do, dear Lucy" he spoke with a soft expression, "The next performance will be held at the stage, but there is intel to suggest another meeting will take place. That meeting will have important people gathered there to discuss something. I can hear my brother speaking loudly and profusely about going, so we shall depart. I request Apollo Justice to come with us"

Lucy was annoyed as I was surprised. Why does he want me to come with them? It sounds like they don't really need me.

"Very well, but will we hear from you?" Yuta asked hesitantly, "I understand if you wish to break us into small groups where one is with the more experienced partner, but it would be advisable if we can keep in touch with each other"

I know he's worried since the last time we split up. We were kids, but I understand his fears really. This is an international case, and we are dealing with horrible people who want to cause destruction and harm to others. We tend to get dragged into this mess and nearly die trying. Anyway, that's not the point. He's worried about my safety since our aunt nearly tried to kill us.

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