"I don't have my phone."

"I don't care! That's not my problem! I don't know what's wrong with you, but you just keep fucking up. You're a lawyer! You can't be this irresponsible!"

 "Will you stop yelling and come in?"

"I will not stop yelling and come in! You don't get to tell me what to do!"

I take in a deep breath, trying not to fly out the handle. I thought I was over what happened yesterday, that I could just focus on work and ignore the office drama. Anika won't let me.

"When did you come in?" I ask.

She falters for a second, then I can actually see her swelling with indignation. "How dare you question me? After your fuck up last night, when I had to be here past midnight to try and correct your mistake... You have some nerve!"

I'm sure she didn't stay here to correct shit. There's no proof in that regard since all e-mail have to have the entire team copied.

"You know, if you're so unhappy with me, just fire me!" I pick up my purse, close the lid of my laptop and walk towards the door.

She doesn't get out of the way. She's a head shorter than me, even on four inch stiletto heels. And yet, she glares as if she could take me down. I know her problem. She can't fire me. She has to take it up with the equity partners and they won't. We're understaffed as it is, and no matter how loudly she complains, I'm a good lawyer.

"Get out of my way, Anika," I say between my teeth.

"I'm taking this up to the partners," she says back, for the first time keeping her voice low so that only I can hear her. "You can't just do whatever the hell you want."

"Neither can you. I've had it with your rotten attitude. And you can tell the partners that." I pus past her and back towards the elevator, trying my best to keep the anger in.

The neon lights seem to flicker as I pass, but I don't care enough to stop. Let the shadows come and smother them all. I wish they'd throw that ridiculous crystal duck paper weight straight at Anika's smug face.

Let the partners complain. I dare them to fire me.

I continue to seethe on the elevator ride, and halfway through the way through the underground parking lot when I suddenly stop.

What's wrong with me? I've been through hell this morning and yet I let Anika get to me? She's just an arrogant woman who constantly tries to prove that she's better than everyone else. She's most likely horribly insecure. It must be miserable to be her.

The lights flicker again, but I close my eyes and ignore them, willing calm on myself. Heels click somewhere in the parking lot, but I don't open my eyes. I don't want to talk to anyone. I just want to breathe and be me for a few moments.

It works. I calm down and the angers flushes out of me. There's no reason to be upset. I actually feel pity for Anika now. Poor frustrated woman. Alone, with only this job to keep her warm.

I get behind the wheel and drive off, heading directly home. I know I should go get my phone, but after the mess I've left behind there, I don't want them to be able to contact me. I need to disappear.


Steve is home when I get there in the early hours of the evening, once again on his PlayStation. I linger in the doorway, sadness flooding me.

How did we get this was? We were so in love when we got married. So happy. But then... Life just happened. There's still love there, I'm sure there is. It was just buried under the constant pressure of adulthood. No wonder he needs to play video games to relax.

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