Tip 9: do what you like

Start from the beginning

I stood up as they came in, and sat back after the young man gestured me to do so. For almost two minutes, none of them said a single word. They didn't even look at me, they were busy going through their laptops. Was that meant to intimidate me ? If so, they were doing a great job. I was wondering whether I should say something, maybe greet them, when the wicked stepmother raised her head from her screen with a neutral, expressionless smile.

"Good morning, Mrs Kinam! I am Elodie Kwashie, and here is my colleague Caesar Listowel. Thank you for applying at KPL Transport."

"Good morning, Mrs Kwashie, Mr Listowel, nice to meet you!" I tried to keep a calm tone and a smile while talking. Mr Listowel gave me back my smile, but Mrs Kwashie simply nodded.

We started with basic stuffs: introducing myself, my background, what I knew about the company, why I applied, my aspirations... Mrs Kwashie mainly led the interview, her colleague simply adding little questions from time to time. It looked good. I didn't chew my fingernails, I was not shaking too much, I didn't stutter, and thanks to the air conditioner, I was not sweating. It looked really good, until...

"I can see your last activity was about a year ago," Mrs Kwashie looked up from her screen and her cold gaze landed right into my eyes. "Why did you leave your previous job, and what did you do since then?"

I froze. This is what I was afraid of. Having to explain why I had to lose my job and why I didn't go back to work earlier. But I prepared myself for that question. I took a deep breath and tried to smile.

"After my baby's birth, I got sick." There was no need to be too specific. Just the essential "I was in no condition to work for months, so with my previous employer, we agreed not to renew my contract as it was coming to an end. I got much better after a few months, but I took some time to fully commit to my baby, to catch up everything I missed when I was sick."

"You are married and you have a kid, so why not fully committing to your family? Why do you want to go back to work? And in a field where we don't see that many women nonetheless?"

I looked at Mr Listowel, he was not smiling anymore. Were they being serious? Why would they call me for an interview if it is to propose me to be a housewife?

"I love my family, and I would not mind if I had to fully commit to them. But only if I have to. Because I don't think staying home makes me that happy. And I can't make them happy if I'm not. As for the field, I love data. They are quite thrust worthy. I love working with them, and I'm really good at it. And maybe there are more men in the field because other women are rather encouraged to commit to their families."

Stepmother blankly stared at me, and I started wondering if I went overboard. I did tell the truth, but not all truths are to be told anywhere. I gulped and looked at Mr Listowel. He had a smile, so discreet I wondered if I was not imagining it.

"In case you were picked for the position, when do you think you could start?" Mrs Kwashie went back to her screen, with a total lack of reaction towards what I said. The ultimate poker face.

I was welcomed by a heavy, hot and wet air as soon as I got out of the building. Lately, it looked like the sun got closer to earth. At least in our city. I took my suit off and started walking randomly. Clara was supposed to stay with her dad until evening, so there was no need for me to hurry back home.

I slowed down and stopped in front of a cozy four story building, its facade almost entirely made of  window walls mirroring the streets. It sure was a beautiful building, but what caught my attention was the poster printed on the whole second floor window wall. Various people captured in all kinds of impressive dancing poses. And with a curvy font, the words 'Freedom Dance School' were written in the middle.

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