Chapter 36

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Sozin's Comet Part 2

"Hey, I remember her. She helped you attack us," Sokka realized with a pout.

"Yep, back in the good old days," Zuko commented dryly and I punched his arm.

Zuko gave a tiny smirk, but continued his serious facade as he walked over to June. I stepped quickly to keep at his side, the both of us leading the others who had fallen into step behind us.

Zuko made his way up to her table, June didn't even raise her head as she grumbled, "Oh great, it's prince pouty." I tried to bite back a smile at the nickname as June lifted her head to look at us. She raised an eyebrow, "Where's your creepy grandpa?"

"He's my uncle. And he's not here."

June looked between me and Zuko, her hooded eyes falling upon me and making my face heat up. She turned back to her tea, "I see you worked things out with your girlfriend."

Zuko began to stutter, losing his stoic demeanor,"I-I mean she's- We never-I mean I'd like to-"

"Um we're not together," I blushed and abruptly stuck my hand out, "I'm (Y/N) by the way. We never formally met." She took my hand with raised eyebrows and a cool smirk and I tucked my hair behind my ear girlishly.

"So, what do you want?" June turned to Zuko who was now glaring down at her.

"I need your help finding the Avatar."

June hummed, rolling her eyes, "Doesn't sound too fun."

She sipped her tea leisurely and Zuko clenched his fists and took another step towards her, "Does the end of the world sound more fun?"
After explaining the Fire Lord's plan, June agreed to help us as long as she also got a little money in return. Zuko had agreed, reluctantly, and now we all waited at a table as June went to the back to grab something.

I picked at my fingernails, trying to avoid the gaze of any of the men in the tavern. I could feel Zuko's stare burning into the side of my face so I turned, "Um did you need something?"

"What was that about?"

"What are you talking about?"

He gave me a deadpan look, "You sure were eager to introduce yourself to her."

"Well can you blame me?" I stuck my arms out in a shrug, "She's beautiful. She'd make anyone flustered."

"Not me. I think it's just you."

Suki, who had overheard our conversation, turned around to face us, "No, she's hot. I think Zuko's probably the only one who doesn't see it because he's so whipped." I could see Zuko making 'cut it out' motions with his hands towards Suki out of the corner of my eye. She shrugged, "I'd date her."

"Hey!" Sokka pouted, calling her attention back over to him.

Zuko and I turned back to face each other and I patted his hand, "Don't worry, Zuko, I still think you're the prettiest."

His face exploded into a red hue and I smiled sweetly, enjoying his flustered state. He opened his mouth, but all that came out were stutters and June sauntered back over to us, her boots clomping on the floor. She held a piece of meat in her hands and jerked her head for us to follow her outside. Once outside, I noticed her Shirshu was standing opposite to Appa, the two seeming to get along better than their last interaction. The shirshu was just as intimidating as her owner and just as eye-catching. The large creature had sleek fur that was free of tangles, showing just how well June cared for her pet.

June held up the meat and called to the Shirshu, "Nyla." She threw the meat towards her and she caught it in her mouth, chomping down with a satisfied growl. June began petting her head and spoke uncharacteristically-sweet, "Who's my little snuffly-wuffly?" Nyla shot out her paralyzing tongue out of excitement and June clamped the creature's mouth down gently, "Woah! Careful there!" She gestured over to us, "Okay, so who's got something with the Avatar's scent on it?"

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