Chapter 24

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We were traveling in a cloud. Aang had the idea to conceal Appa by creating a large cloud to shroud him so we could fly without arousing too much suspicion. The idea was a good one in theory, but in practice if anyone were to spend a little too long observing our cloud, they would find it did not move as slowly as the others in the sky. Alas, it was the best solution we could come up with.

So, as we flew above a few islands of the fire nation, we tried to look for a place to inconspicuously keep Appa while we took a break from flying. The air was slightly humid and the temperature was warm and pleasing to my skin. After spending years in the Earth Kingdom, with its dry weather and moderate climate I had somewhat missed the heat of the Fire Nation. This was especially true during those few days spent at the North Pole all those months ago. Back then, I would've given anything for the warmth of the Fire Nation. Now, I relished in the nostalgic feeling of its heat and comfort.

Breaking me out of my calm state, Aang exclaimed, "I think I see a cave below!"

"Shhh! Keep quiet," Sokka said in a hushed whisper. Aang dispersed the cloud and I was quick to unboard Appa, ready to finally be on solid land. "Great job with the cloud camo, but next time let's disguise ourselves as the kind of cloud who knows how to keep its mouth shut."

Sokka was hiding behind a rock (for no reason) and I walked up to him, "Yeah we wouldn't want a bird to hear us chatting up there and turn us in."

"Hey! We're in enemy territory," he pointed to the group of Toucan-Puffins that were sitting above his head on the rock he was hiding behind, "Those are enemy birds." One of the birds jumped on his head and squawked, causing the rest of us to giggle as we continued walking towards the cave. Sokka jumped in front of us, almost face planting in the dirt, and 'scoped out' the cave as the rest of us calmly walked inside. Once he decided the cave was safe he turned around, "Well, this is it. This is how we'll be living until the invasion begins. Hiding in cave after cave after cave after cave . . ." he trailed off and slumped down.

"Sokka, we don't need to become cave people. What we need is some new clothes," Katara reasoned to her brother.

Aang agreed, "Yeah, blending in is better than hiding out. If we get Fire Nation disguises we'll be just as safe as we would be hiding in a cave."

"I agree, I would rather not stay in dingy caves for a month," I chimed in, already feeling dirty from having been wearing my Fire Nation armor from the ship for way too long.

"Plus, they have real food out there. Does anyone want to sit in the dirt and eat cave-hoppers?" Toph hit the wall with her fist and a bunch of cave-hoppers jumped about. Momo was quick to begin snacking on them.

"Looks like we got outvoted, sport. Let's get some new clothes."


We all hid behind a few rocks near some houses on the island we were on. Luckily, they had several rows of laundry hanging out to dry, perfect for us to take.

Aang spoke up, uneasily, "I don't know about this, guys. These clothes belong to somebody."

"I call the silk robe," Katara ignored Aang and rushed out towards the lines of clothes. She made quick work of grabbing the clothes she wanted before heading back to her hiding spot.

"Well, if it's essential to our survival . . . then I call the suit!" Aang rushed out, followed by Toph, and they began grabbing their items of clothing.

Sokka and I rushed out after them and I quickly made a beeline for a cute off-the-shoulder top I had spotted earlier and began rushing to find matching bottoms. I finally found a short skirt with two slits on the slide and grabbed some tight pants to go underneath. I looked over at Sokka who was lightly browsing through clothes as if he was in a clothing store.

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