But she just pushed that thought down and decided to refocus on her surroundings and get to work.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Lunch was the worst part of her day. Not having any friends lead her to sit alone in the conner of the cafeteria.

Aurora used to have one friend when she was younger, but she dropped her for other people and then moved away. So...She doesn't have any other friends.

It's not like she was scared to get close with people. She was more scared that they would bully her if they found out what she saw. I mean she didn't have an explanation for it other than that she was crazy. And that's not exactly the best way to make friends.

Aurora had convinced herself that she liked being alone, that she liked the quiet and the "peace" it brought her. She didn't, but hey that was the only way she could cope with the feeling of being alone.

And the constant paranoia that she actually wasn't alone. And the monsters she saw were watching her and just waiting to strike.

"Hey" a voice snapped her out of her thoughts. Aurora turned around to where the voice was coming from surprised.

"Oh my god! i've been looking for you everywhere, what took you so long?" The voice asked.

Aurora was even more confused now, because she had been here since the start of lunch. And she almost answered until she heard another voice respond.

"Hey, sorry I had to finish something for my science project"

Of course they weren't talking to her. I mean why would they she was nobody. She doesn't know why she has the hope that someone actually saw her for a second.

They continued with their conversation right in front of her like she didn't even exist. Then they walked away laughing, reminding Aurora of just how lonely she was and how much she hated it.


Aurora was so happy that this day was done. As soon as she heard the bell ring she was out of there. Quickly walking to her locker to pick up what she needed.

When she felt the warm spring breeze on her face she put in her headphones and started her way home. Becoming blissfully unaware of her surroundings.

The walk home was normally short, but she liked to make it longer most of the time. Something about being in the sun brought Aurora comfort. Summer was always when Aurora was happiest, away from school and how draining it was for her. When it was summer she would sit out in the sun for hours by the lake by her house.

When Aurora walked she liked to just take the time to think. This was one of the only times she let herself acknowledge what she felt and all the thoughts she would suppress into the depths of her mind.

She thought about the shadows she would see lurking around her, all the snakes and weird creatures she couldn't name if she tried to.

She thought about how her mother, and what she would say if she brought them up to her again.

Would she laugh it off like she used to? Would she call her crazy and send her to a psych ward? Or would she accept her and help her through it.

It would most likely be one of the first two, but Aurora always loved to hope.

☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

Home. Home at last. Aurora was so relived, she could finally do what she wanted to do all day. Sleep.

Walking into her house, passing everything else and heading straight upstairs. Aurora rushed to her room.

She felt as though her room really showed who she was. It was littered with all of her paintings and drawings. Her favorite books in her shelves, and her favorite bands and songs on her walls. Her guitar in the conner and two binders full of any other artworks she had, including drawing of the things she saw.

Without paying too much attention to anything else she headed straight to her bed and flopped down.

The sleep hit her almost immediately. And in just a few minutes she was out.

❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
authors note !!!
this took me WAY too long
i hope u guys like it so far the next chapter will hopefully be in the next couple days.

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