School sucks

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Aurora wanted to go home. It was only fifth period, but she already done with school. All she wanted to do was go home and sleep.

She wanted to drown out all the noise going around her and just breathe for a moment. There was always too much happening around her at school. Whether that was the constant talking and shouting from other students, or her weird daydreams of things that she should definitely not be seeing.

With all of this she was never able to focus in school. Not that it really ever mattered because when she did focus and did try, she would always get the same results. And it's not like her ADHD and dyslexia helped out with that problem.

So it didn't come as a surprise to her when she was asked to stay after class.

"You know, I'm worried about you Aurora, This the fifth test you've failed." Mrs. Whitlock exclaimed. Aurora stared back uninterested.

"Look this is serious, you're already failing my class and I hear your grades are slipping in other classes too. If you fail one more class  you're going to have to go to summer school"

"Yeah, yeah I know" Aurora grumbled. "I feel like if you just try and apply yourself more you could do so much" ughhh Aurora thought, she was tried of hearing the same thing over and over again.

She just wanted to be fixed. Not some used up motivational speech from someone who would never get it.

"Now I want you to retake this after school tomorrow, if you get at least a b on this your grade will be bumped up to a c" Mrs. Whitlock stated. " I expect you to study this time"

Aurora just wanted to get out of here and to her fifth period, the one class she was good at,art. So she lied through her teeth and said that she would study, and then quickly left the classroom.

☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

Aurora Hart was finally at peace in the art room.

She loved art, it was the one thing in school that made sense to her. Unlike english and how the words would move around making it so she can't read. Unlike how she could never focus on her maths teacher constant ramblings about things she couldn't understand.

When she was in art it's like the world stopped around her. All the harsh noises and her brooding thoughts would leave her mind and she could just breathe.

Aurora loved drawing the world around her. She would observe the way the light moved on people's faces and the way their eyes would shine when they laughed. She would obsess over every minor detail in the background to make sure everything was seen.

She never liked to focus on herself in her artwork. She hated reliving her feelings and what she saw. However it was the only way she could express herself without being called crazy.

When she was younger she would try to confide with her mom. It didn't work out that well because when aurora brought up seeing monsters, her mother laughed and said she just had a good imagination.

That didn't stop her from trying again, but every time her mom would just laugh it off and say she would grow out of it.

...she didn't grow out of it. Seeing the monsters  was happening a lot more since her thirteenth birthday.

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