"I think I've got something that will help." Calum admitted and stood from the bed. He searched through his bag before finding a marker that he typically kept for autographs. He switched the bedside lamp on and reclaimed his spot next to Sienna. He took her wrist gently in his hand and began doodling on her skin. "Instead of hurting yourself," He said calmly as he outlined a butterfly. "try drawing something beautiful on the places you want to hurt." He paused to examine the butterfly he'd drawn. "Well, maybe that isn't the most beautiful butterfly," He giggled. "but you get the point." He smiled at her before continuing to doodle.

Sienna watched him—not what he was drawing but him—in fascination as he continued to doodle on the scarred skin. He held her wrist so gently as if he worried he would break her. A small smile formed on his lips as he continued to doodle.

He drew some butterflies and smiley faces on her skin before meeting her eyes with a small grin that showed his dimples. She smiled back at him.

"Would you mind," She began nervously. "staying with me tonight?" She asked. "I don't want to be alone." She admitted, worrying about the thoughts that would flood her mind if she were alone.

"Of course I will." He gave her a nod before standing from the bed. She watched the way his back muscles moved as he pulled a shirt over his head. She'd been too worked up to pay attention to his shirtless body before, but now she was fully alert. She averted her eyes just before he could catch her staring. He grabbed his room key from the nightstand and turned to Sienna."Shall we?" He extended a hand down to her and she took it quickly.

They walked hand in hand down the hall to her room. Sienna sat on the end of the bed and tried to appear casual, but she was now nervous around Calum. She'd asked a guy she'd just met to spend the night with her and now she didn't know what to do.

Calum sat next to her after closing the door. They sat in silence for a moment, both trying to figure out the right thing to say. Calum debated asking about her life before coming on tour with them, but realized he'd be asking her to talk about why she started self harming. He eventually decided to go with the basic option.

"You wanna' watch a movie?" He asked curiously.

"Sure." Sienna shrugged, relieved to finally put an end to the awkward silence.

Calum got up to retrieve the remote and Sienna laid back on the bed to get comfortable. Calum laid next to her and switched the tv on. He skipped through the channels quickly before finding a familiar film.

"Fuck yes." Calum cheered, placing the remote on the nightstand next to the bed before looking to Sienna.

"High School Musical?" She giggled.

"High School Musical 2, actually." He corrected.

They laid in her bed watching High School Musical 2 on Disney Channel and singing along to the movie. Sienna had rested her head on Calum's shoulder, but by the end of the movie the two of them were tangled together. Calum held her closely and for some reason it wasn't awkward anymore. She needed him and he was there. It didn't matter if they'd only met that morning.

After the movie, they'd gotten deep into conversation about anything and everything they could think of.

"You're studying archaeology..." Calum raised his eyebrows. "while on tour with a rock band."

"I do all the work on my laptop and I do it at my own pace." She explained. "So, why not?"

"So you could actually have fun? School on tour just sounds awful." Calum said as if the idea of doing schoolwork while on tour left a bad taste in his mouth. "Why archaeology anyway?" He asked curiously.

"I love it." She said simply with a smile. "Studying these artifacts that are literal pieces of history fascinates me." Her smile widened. "It's looking at something as simple as a symbol carved into a slab of rock and understanding that a real person who walked the Earth way before we ever did had carved that symbol into that rock for a reason. And I love finding out what that reason was."

Calum watched the way her mood changed when she was trying to help him understand the way she felt about archaeology. She loved archaeology the way he loved music and he respected that.

"You just wanted to be Indiana Jones, right?" He grinned.

"You know what, you're right." Sienna chuckled. "I watched the Indiana Jones movies and I was like "That's it. That's what I wanna' do with my life."" She joked.

"I knew it!" Calum laughed, holding an arm up in victory. "I'm a genius." He shrugged.

"You're a dork." She corrected and shook her head.

"And you're a nerd, but I didn't make fun of you for it. So, back off." Calum joked laughingly.

"Fine." She rolled over, turning her back to him as she pretended to pout. Cold air flooded into the places where Calum's heat had been and she nearly shivered.

"No, come back." He whined, pulling her back to him.

"You said to back off." She said, fighting the urge to laugh.

"I take it back. Just cuddle me." He laughed. He smiled as she turned back to face him. He wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled his face against her neck.

For the rest of the night, he told her stories of embarrassing things he'd done when he was younger to make her laugh, and asked her about her interests and passions to make sure her mind wasn't going back to hurting herself, and held her close to him in a way neither of them had realized they needed. 

Eventually, she fell asleep in the middle of one of his stories. He noticed because she suddenly stopped running her fingers through his hair which immediately pulled his attention from the television. He smiled once he realized she was snoring softly and switched the television off. He pulled her closer to him and thought about how exhausted he would be in a few hours when it was time for them to leave, but also about the fact that'd he'd do it all again in a heartbeat if Sienna needed him to.

Dirty Little Secret // C.H.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora