Chapter Seven (part two)

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For some reason this chapter deleted and i didn't even notice so now I am going to try and rewrite it three months later and I know it's not going to be as good and I am actually really sad cause I loved it before.

Clarke Pov
It's been two weeks since me and Lexa started officially dating and I genuinely think that I finally got my life to a point where I am happy. I haven't seen Fin since that night and there have been no free samples laying around.

Me and Lexa are laying in her bed tangled together in the most innocent way. I love that even if my shirt gets messed up in my sleep and part of my stomach or chest is out she always keeps her eyes on my face. She never pushes for anything more than cuddling and kissing and it's such a relief. I didn't notice this till now but I think Lexa is the only person I have ever dated that actually respects me and isn't trying to get something from me or my body.

I just wish I could lay here with my head on Lexa's chest listing to her heart beat and feeling her chest steadily rise and fall. But inevitably I hear someone nocking on Lexa's door and already know it's Raven. I reach over and grab my phone to see the time. "Griffin we are going to be late" I try to ignore her and work and just the whole world so I can stay here for another minute.

Lexa yawns as she wakes up and starts to rub my back. "I think there might be a slight chance someone is here to see you" she says once Raven starts yelling for me again. She tries to sit up but I just move further on to her. "Just ignore her and stay here" I still have my eyes closed but I can feel her hand move up to my hair as she curled some of it around her fingers. "What about work? Don't you have a shift today" I just laugh "what?" She asks as a bright smile spreads across her face. "It's Wednesday so I think you know I have a shift since you were previously stocking me" I laugh again after she dramatically gasps "I have never stocked anyone" I just roll my eyes.

I hear Raven say she is leaving soon so I reluctantly leave Lexa's warm embrace. "Oh so she can get up" "ya since you are forcing me to go to work" i jokingly say back in the same tone she was using. A look flashes threw her eyes that I can't place as I walk towards the bathroom. After I am almost done rushing to get ready I feel Lexa's arms snake around my waist at a respectable height. She sets her head on my shoulder before saying "you know I would never force you to do anything ever. You can stay here and hang out while I go to work" I turn my head and place a kiss on her forehead "I know I was just joking" "ok good" she mumbles as she closes her eyes. She looks like she is about to fall asleep standing up and it's the cutest thing I have seen in a while.

Raven gives me one last warning so I finally get my self to say goodbye and step out her door into the cold hallway. "About damn time Griffin" she says with an attitude I know is fake. "Oh get over it Ray. How did you even know where Lexa lives. Oh wait let me guess luuuuna" I say while pocking her sides. Her act cracks as a smile takes its place. I start to teaser her and we both laugh as we walk down the hallway

Lexa Pov
I smile as I can hear Clarkes laugh fading as she walks down the hallway away from my door.

Once I get ready I leave and meet Lincoln at the station. We have a pretty boring shift as we just drive around making sure everyone is driving properly. More so it's Lincoln asking me questions about Clarke just so he can watch my face turn red and make fun of it. Then I flip it on him and talk about Octavia and it just keeps going back and forth.

I don't know when but we fall into a deeper conversation "Lex honestly though I am happy for you" "oh please your just happy you have Octavia now too" a small smile spreads across his face "no seriously I don't think any of us have been this happy in a long time" I give him a questioning look "well after you started talking to Clarke then I started talking more to Octavia and then Luna met Raven" "ya I guess I will take all the credit. I except full speech's dedicated to me at both of your guys weddings" now we are both laughing "ya and it would start like this" he jokingly clears his throat and grabs an imaginary piece of paper "thank you everyone for coming today it means a lot to me but especially thanks to my shit head sister Alexandria. If it wasn't for you stoking Clarke for months and I mean many many many months and then finally growing a pair none of us would be here today" he goes to say more but stops when I punch his arm.

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