if he had been with me

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If he had been with me
He would have never worry about what to do if I left
Never have to wonder if this love would be gone in a flash
If he still loved me he won't be adding random girls on snap
While i cry alone over what we once had
If he was still with me
I could hold him in the way he used to hold me
Make him feel safe and secure, to cry or whisper sweet words
If he had stayed with me, even though times were tough
We could have gotten married, with kids, and a dog
I would have taught him what it was like to be truly in love
If he really loved me, truly loved me
Then i wouldn't be writing this out
Because i wouldnt have to pray to god to end this hurt somehow
If he wants me, he could have me
Part of me prays he forgets what we had
So id never have to wonder if i should wait for him to come back
If he hates me
Well i don't know what to say,
i hope he leaves my heart someday
I don't think he will though
Always have a place
Because for him my love was unconditional love, he can't be replaced
If he payed attention to me
i'm sure he would see the pain in my heart that runs really, really deep
That i'm always the one comforting and never the other way around
I still love him
Even though i put my whole life on hold
And he was never there when i sobbed, for me begging him not to be so cold
I still love him, though i shouldn't
Still love him even when he turned away and left after he promised he wouldn't
he pushed me away
But i still stayed
Compromised my happiness and desires
For him i was playing with fire
I'm scared he'll never realize what he lost, when he lost me
I still love him even though i know ill be a choice
The safest option to go back to when he needs to feel that joy
I still love him
I hope this isn't why he left me
I pray deep down he still loves me
That of all the people he's gonna be with, he'll compare them to me
And then realize just how badly he doesn't want to lose me

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