Just Waiting

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Sunset lights up the sky
I sit alone at the top of the hill
Laying against an old oak fence
Watching the color swirl and blend
Smell of the woods waft through the gentle breeze
A chilly evening, usually I would be with you
A deer walking silently at the edge of the trees
I stare at the sunset
Quietly contemplating life
You and me
I thought we were going to be together forever
Told you I was forever
But what do I do when forever falls apart
Purple and pink sun reminds me of you
Your heartbeat against mine
You were never satisfied with me and my time
I always tried only wanting to be enough for you
But I wasn't quite enough was I?
Yes I know I'll never be as pretty as the sunset
Or the ocean waves crashing over a warm sandy beach
Never prettier than that old wooded creek that ran through the wood
I now am sitting quietly and listening to
Woodpeckers and cardinals chirp
Cicadas whistle their melodic tune
Crickets song brought with the light of the moonlight
Was I too loud?
Was it my constant laughing that turned you off
Or maybe it was the crying when I could no longer pretend
And for you my emotions and thoughts were too deep.
Or maybe I was simply too ugly for you?
Thinking back you never did call me beautiful or cute
As nightfalls, I replay our downfall
Staring at the many stars
Orion and Aeres
Venus, Neptune, and Mars
Just like the distance between us
So very far
I realized something, a deep thing
Something that made our relationship truly diseased
You never saw me as a future wife, someone with whom you could spend the rest of your life
I thought myself a good girlfriend and potentially wife
Showing me that all along, you were right
If you truly thought you couldn't find someone better for you
You would have never left me in a lurch
Now I wonder what I should do with my life
The treatment you gave me seems adequate
A get what you deserve kind of attitude
You settled for me
I tried to make you stay with my wit and brain
But you always assumed me stupid and a little simpleminded
Which sadly is completely honest
I tried to fool myself, to convince me that I was smart
You're the only one that wasn't fooled
Sure I'm blonde, but I'm not pretty
Or at least pretty in a way that make guys go crazy
Good for a quick fuck
An ego boosting girl, simple and easy
Moon is bright above me
Shining through my hair that cascades down my back
Curled with my head on my knees crying because I wish it was your lap
No warm arms hug me a shield from the cold
The night bring frigid winds that chill to the bone
But I'm stuck here, stuck on you
You've moved on, gone on your separate path
I've stopped completely hoping that you decided to make a full loop and come back
The smell of fresh daisies and primrose that bloom on the hill
A nighttime owl coos at me
It brings me back to reality
One day Ill get the strength to stand up
But for now I'll sit on this hill enjoying the view
Just like I have for the past hundred days
Waiting for you
Waiting for our story to continue
So it can end like I want it to

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