I looked around and saw Deaton standing by Derek. "How is he?". I stood up, cracking my bones in the process. "Is he gonna be okay?"

Deaton turned to me, a worried expression covering his face. This instantly made me think of the worst scenarios. "His heartbeat is irregularly fast, and his healing is way to fast, even for a werewolf."

"What does that mean?"

"I'm not sure."

Derek started groaning. I felt so relieved. That means he's alive, at least. I saw his hands flexing. Instead of normal nails, he had claws. He at up straight. He looked around. He didn't see Deaton due to the fact that he went to grab a syringe. When his glowing eyes landed on me, I was instantly paralyzed my fear. I could hear my heart beating in my chest. What he did next was unexpected.

He got of the table, slowly, as if not to scare me. He walked towards me, again, slowly. I didn't move. He stopped right in front of me. He breaths we're deep and laboured. He just looked at me. He raised his hand, I flinched from it. Seeing this, he whimpered. When I heard this I looked up at him. He was hanging his head slightly. It looked like he was seeking g acceptance? I raised my hand, like it was instinct, and cupped his cheek. When I did that his breathing slowed, indicating that he's calming down.

In that exact moment Deaton came in. Derek turned and growled at him threateningly. He looked at me and ran out.


Currently I was sitting on Sheriff's Stilinskis desk. When I called Scott and Stiles we heard that Derek was arrested for trespassing and attacked two cops.

Scott and Stiles were explaining what happened to him. They were talking in another room. I was sitting in front of Derek, looking at him curiously. I lean forward, examining him. He frown and asked,"Can you please stop staring?" Frustration clear in his voice.

The next thing that came out of my mouth, I had no control over. "You look nothing like him, yet exactly like him. It is disturbing. But what fascinates me is your eyes." I tilted my head, in confusion.

"Uhm.. thanks? But why my eyes? I can assure you there are far more intresting things about me", he flirted. It was cute and so much like the Derek I know.

I laughed at him. "Your eyes fascinates me because it's not guarded, like it usually is."

Before he could reply the door swung open, revealing Scott and Stifles. They stepped inside. When Scott gave me a smile my insides melted. Scott took a step forward aol that he was directly in front of Derek. "You need to come with me." When he said that I slapped my hand against my forehead.

Derek looked at him like he was an escaped patient from Eichen house. "Why would I go anywhere with you?"

Scott looked at me behind his shoulder. I gave him a reassuring smile."There was an accident. You lost some memory, but we can help you get it back."

"How much memory?"

"A lot", I piped in. I walked over to him and sat down next to him. "But you can trust us. Or if you don't want to trust me or Stiles, trust Scott."

On cue, Scott crouched down, revealing his sexy alpha eyes. Yes, I find it sexy.

"Your an Alpha", Derek stated. "Okay, but who are you? And who is he?", he turned towards Stiles," Who are you?"

Stiles just shrugged,"Oh, we're the guys keeping you out of jail."

Scott pleads to Derek," Let us help you."

Derek says firmly,"No", while shaking his head.

Stiles being a impatient ADHD person, clearly had enough when he said,"Okay, dude, you almost tore apart two cops back there.You need to listen to us. And that starts with no fangs, no claws, no wolf man.You got that?".

"Look", I started, making all the eyes in the room swing to me. I sit on my knees in front of Derek, putting my hands over his. I look into his eyes and say,"We just wanna help you. Now I know you're probably struggling with the full moon. Rightml no we have a common goal ; to get your memories back. So are you coming with us or not?"

He looks from me to Scott,"If you want me to trust you, tell me where my family is." I look towards Scott nervously.

"There was a fire. And they're not here anymore," Scott started. He must've change his mind on telling the truth, 'cause of the next thing he says,"They're fine.Just had to move out of Beacon Hills. And we're going to take you to them as soon as we figure out how to get your memories back."

Derek nods and agrees for us to help him. I stood up and glared at Scott. How could he? It doesn't matter if it was gonna hurt him, he deserves the truth.

I couldn't believe it. Scott just lied to Derek freaking Hale.
We are so screwed!

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