First Encounter

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First day of school. Great. I looked up at the big school from the front gate. "wow", I mouthed. I

looked at my schedule and saw I had biology first period over in E wing, room 109. "Well", I thought to

 myself, "better start looking before I am late". I started making my way up the steps of the high

school and found a teacher who told me where I could find E wing. I was about half way there when I

realized I was going the wrong way. I looked down at my map and turned around. *Smack!* What

they hay??? I got to my knees and tried to gather my books when a beautiful hand was under mine as

 we reached for my English journal. I looked up and saw an angel, so beautiful. She stared

back at me with bright blue eyes hidden under thick black lashes. We both looked at each other with

wide eyes. "I-I am so so sorry for this darling!", She exclaimed as she gathered my books, "I wasn't watching

where I was going." Even her voice was angelic. "No, It's my fault, I was looking at my map, I can't find

 E109." I said to her. "Oh, well that's where I'm going," she said, "I'm Rarity by the way". She handed

 me my books back with an amazing smile. "I-I'm Applejack", I stuttered and took my books. "Want to

 walk with me to class, since we have the same first period?" Rarity asked. "S-sure", I replied. Rarity

 just smiled at me and started walking towards class. We didn't talk about much as we made our way

 to E wing. I mostly just watched her beautiful purple curls bounce as she walked. When we made it to

class, Mrs. Cheerilee said we could sit where ever we wanted. Rarity and I took a seat in the back

corner of her class room.

     "I prefer the back of the class", Rarity said, "I focus more and while I do like

 attention. I like my peace too." I looked up at her to see her looking at me with the sweetest smile I've

 ever seen. "Yeah, I like my peace too." Mrs. Cheerilee came back into the class room and we started

 the first class of the day. After the orientation of the class Mrs. Cheerilee had something to announce.

 "Now students, I would like you to partner up and do a project on ecosystems." The entire class 

groaned. "I don't want to hear any of that, you are to find a partner and come up with a way to

present an ecosystem to the class and report to me by the end of this class on who you will be

working with and the way you will present. You will have the entire period to plan."

     Rarity and I turned to one another and in one glance we knew we would be working together. "So,

how do you want to present the project? I was thinking of putting pictures on a poster and explaining

it that way" I told Rarity." That sounds perfect, do you want to come over tomorrow after school and

we can start working on it?", She asked. "Sure, that sounds great, I'll get the poster and markers."

Rarity replied with "Okay sounds good darling, I have a printer at home so we can print off pictures

 there." I just nodded and smiled. Rarity smiled back and then asked for my phone. She put her

number in and texted herself.  She got out her phone and saved my number. The bell rang for second

 period. I asked Rarity what her second period was and she said it was Fashion Design and asked what

 my second period is. "English", I replied sadly. She gave me a sad look and told me she would text me

 at lunch. I waved bye and found my way to English. 

      The rest of my day went by in a boring blur. Lunch finally came around and Rarity texted me saying

 she was so sorry, that her friend Sapphire Shores really wanted to have lunch since she didn't make

 any friends today. I told her it was okay, and that I'll text her later. After I got my lunch tray I went and

 sat by Twilight. I just sat there pretending to listen to her rant about a book she just finished reading. 

Okay so lunch really sucked, but that doesn't mean I couldn't possibly have another class with Rarity,

there are two more classes left, Algebra and Creative Writing. Sadly Rarity wasn't in any of my classes

other than Biology. "Darn", I said to myself on the walk home from school. I had about a 20 minute

walk to Sweet Apple Acres. The entire way home I thought of only Rarity. Her beautiful purple curls,

 cute baby blue eye shadow, the way she bat her eyelashes, and her soft glossy looking lips. Wait,

what? Her soft glossy lips? What am I thinking. I bet she doesn't even like girls, but there isn't any

harm in asking right? No, it was too early in our friendship. Later I will ask. 

       Our friendship grew through out freshman year all the way up to senior year. I never asked her if

 she liked girls or boys, or even both. I couldn't. No matter how much my love grew, I couldn't ruin our 


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