Steak Me Amadeus

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Mordecai and Margaret are being happy together doing various activities, such as looking at the clouds, going to the aquarium, riding bikes, going to a photo booth, and finally kissing on a Ferris Wheel on a boardwalk carnival. The next day, Mordecai is washing his eyes out in the bathroom. "So, "Margaret... there's something I want to ask you. Noooooooo. Hey Margaret, I think we're great, we're great together, you know? Nah. Hey giiiirlll, I want you to be mah everythin'!" Rigby comes into the bathroom overhearing Mordecai talking to himself in the mirror. "Hey girrrrrlll, why are you talking to yourself, giiiirrrrl? Huh? Huh? Got a date with your lady? Hm? Hm?" Rigby asked.

"Yeah, so? I'm taking Margaret out to dinner tonight, and I'm kinda nervous, okay?" Mordecai asked. "Oh yeah, where are you taking her? Cheezer's? Wing Kingdom?" Rigby asked. "No dude, someplace WAY nicer: Steak Me Amadeus." Mordecai said. "Dude, that place is CRAZY expensive, how are you going to pay for it?" Rigby asked. "BAM!" He pulls out yellow dollar bills reading "AMADEUS DOLLARS" "Amadeus dollars! Remember when Pops gave these out as Christmas gifts? I traded everyone for them in exchange for favors, and now I got MAYD STACKS!" Mordecai said. "Huh. So that explains all the extra work you've been doing." Rigby said. "This dinner is big dude. Everything has to be perfect. I'm gonna ask Margaret to officially be my girlfriend." Mordecai said.

"Whoa, that's huuuuuge! Mordecai, you have my utmost respect. Brospect." Rigby pounds his chest with his fist, and gives Mordecai some more Amadeus Dollars. "Use 'em well, man." He said. "Thanks, dude." Mordecai said. "No get out of here, I gotta use it." Mordecai is in a shirt and tie driving the cart to pick Margaret up. It is evening. Mordecai is again practicing what he is going to say to Margaret. "Margaret, will you do the honor of being my... girlfriend? Ugh, no..." His cell phone rings. He picks it up, and answers it. It's Margaret. "Margaret, I was just on my way to get you. What's up?" He asked. "Hey, something came up, so I'm going to be late. I'm sorry, can I meet you at the restaurant?" Margaret asked. "Yeah, totally! Don't worry about it! I can't wait to see you!" Mordecai said.

"Cool, see you there." Mordecai hangs up, and is humming his song from Butt Dial. He arrives at Steak me Amadeus, and walks in still humming. He walks up to the receptionist there. "Hi, I have a reservation for two under "Mordecai". He said. The receptionist is typing on her computer. "Ummmmm... ah! There you are!" She said. "Is there like an extra nice table you could sit us at? If it costs extra, I can pay upfront." Mordecai gives the receptionist his Amadeus Dollars.

The receptionist looks at them hesitantly. "No, no extra charge." She then goes for a red button located underneath the top part of the desk, and presses it. Within one second, an entire SWAT team moves in, and apprehends Mordecai. "WHAT THE-?" Later he and the others are in an "INTERROGATION ROOM". It Mordecai is being interrogated by an FBI agent named Morelli. "People like you make me SICK." Two cops enter the room, one male, and one female. "Take five, Morelli, we got this." Morelli then leaves the room. "What's going on?! Why are we locked up?!" The female cop then throws a bag of Amadeus Dollars to Mordecai.

"You tell me. You and your buddies' prints are all over these counterfeit Amadeus Dollars." She said. "Counterfeit?!" Mordecai asked. "Don't be cute with me. We've been on the case for months. Your funny money scam is GOING DOWN! DOWN TO PRISON TOWN, YOU HEAR ME?! PRISON!!!" Kessler shouted. "Easy there, Kessler. All of the evidence is stacked against you and all of your friends. Unless you can prove you're innocent." The park gang all have worried looks on their faces.

"We're gonna take you all in." The male cop said. "WHAT?!" Y/N panicked. "That's not fair! We didn't do anything wrong!" She shouted. "Uhhh, Y/N and I are just interns..." Thomas began. "THOMAS!" Everyone including Y/N scolded. "Look, this is ridiculous, we don't even know what you're talking about!" Benson shouted. "Yeah!" Fives said. "I want my one phone call, bro!" Muscle Man protested. "We're innocent, let us go already!" Rigby shouted. "Yeah!" Y/N agreed. The whole park gang starts arguing. Pops has an ashamed look. "IT WAS ME! I gave them the funny money!" Pops then starts crying. "Hat man! Christmas!" Pops cries. "Wait, what?" Y/N asked.

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