The Real Thomas and Y/N

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At night, Rigby is snoring and waking up to his stomach grumbling, so he goes to the kitchen to get something to eat. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Ah, yeah-yuh! Pizza pouch!" Rigby hears Inaudible voices and goes to investigate, and sees camouflaged Thomas and Y/N fighting the man, who speaks in a Russian accent. "Stop! Drop the bag!" Thomas dodges a stick that the CIA agent tries to hit him with, and Y/N chokes him. "Sweet dreams, Cartwright." She said in a Russian accent.

"Thomas? Y/N? Hey, what's goin' on dudes?" Rigby asked. Thomas and Y/N look at Rigby. "Not much." Thomas said in his normal voice. "Is that dude okay?" Rigby asked, and Thomas and Y/N glance at him, then at each other, before looking back at Rigby. "Hey, this is weird, right? I mean, we're doing martial arts, that guy's dressed up like a garbage can and totally still alive. I think you're in a dream, dude." Y/N said. Rigby stared at the two, then nods in agreement, until a realization hit him. "Wait, I--AH!" Rigby screams and he loses consciousness. "Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh..." Thomas said. Rigby falls into the ground, unconscious. The next morning, the alarm clock is ringing and Rigby wakes up again, groaning.

"Rigby, staff meeting! Did you go on pizza pouch bender again last night? Come on!" Mordecai said. "Last night?" Rigby asked, then remembered. "Thomas! Y/N!" Rigby said fearfully. "Guys, it finally happened. I met the perfect girl! Her name is Natalie, and she's a preschool teacher. I will be showing her around the park today. So your only duties are to leave us alone. Just leave me and Natalie alone, people!" Rigby raises his hand. "No you can't use the bathroom, Rigby." Benson said. "That's not what I was gonna s—" Rigby began. "You know, Rigby has a point. What about Audrey?" Mordecai asked. "We broke up, remember?" Benson asked. All of them are murmuring. "I don't recall." Pops said. "I was sad for months?

I loafed around the house?" Benson asked. "Muscle Man and Pops, you took me to get ice cream. Skips, you made me train for that marathon. In fact, all you guys had a role in my lengthy healing process!" Benson shouted. "I don't remember any of this." Skips said. All of them are murmuring again. "SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS! Today is Thomas' and Y/N's last day. Now keep this under wraps, guys cause I want to surprise them. At the end of the day, I'm offering them a full-time job!" Everyone cheers except Rigby. "Oh, yeah! I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they see how I prank the new hires!" Muscle Man said. "You know, we don't normally hire interns, but Thomas and Y/N have really been killing it lately. They're killing it in the park!" Skips said. "AHHH! Listen to me! I was eating a pizza pouch late last night, and I hear something behind the house, right? When I go look, I see Thomas and Y/N take some guy out! I think he was speaking Russian too." Rigby said.

"Yeah, right, Thomas and Y/N?" Mordecai scoffs. "It was a dream, dude." He said. "You were having a cheese and grease induced nightmare." Benson said. "Oh, I get it! Let's all gang up on Rigby. I'll show you it wasn't a dream!" Rigby said. He goes to the same spot as last night. "See? This grease spot is where I dropped my pizza pouch." Rigby gasps. "Signs of a struggle!" He said. "Pathetic." Benson said. "Hey, guys! We got the coffee. Wait, what are all you doing behind the house?" Thomas asked. "You don't have anymore surprises on our last day, do you?" Y/N asked. Everyone except Rigby laughs. "Oh, man, you don't even know." Muscle Man said. "Let's see." Thomas said. "That's the duffle bag he had last night." Rigby said. "Got a tripple espresso—" Rigby jumps over Thomas, spilling the coffee and taking the duffle bag. "Rigby!" Y/N said.

"This is gonna prove it!" Rigby said. "Thomas, are you okay?" Benson asked. Rigby opens the bag. "That's just my dirty laundry, dude." Thomas said. "Totally uncalled for, bro." Muscle Man said. "But... it wasn't a dream! I'm onto you, Thomas and Y/N!" Rigby shouted. "What just happened?" Y/N asked. Later, Thomas is driving a cart with Y/N sitting beside him. "Oh, hello, mom. Oh yeah, everything's great." Thomas said. "What's he saying?" Rigby asked. "No, exactly, yep, yep, Russian." Thomas said. "Russian? What the heck is going on?" Rigby asked. "Understood, bye, mom." Thomas puts his phone back to his pocket, Thomas picks up the duffle bag, gets on the cart and drives off as Rigby runs towards the fountain. "It's just a sprinkler head. Wait, what's that?" Rigby looks at the sprinkler head and it says "OCTOPOЖHO!" (it's Russian for "careful"), much to Rigby's shock. "Russian writing? What're they up to?" Benson is walking with Natalie.

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