"Punctuality is not your strength; if you want to be taken seriously, you need to have conduct that is expected of you as emissaries. Any other ruler would have already dismissed you for this delay and the other delays in the  past." Missandei reprimanded the northern entourage and the other nobles who were accompanying them: "These delays will no longer be tolerated; if you are late again, they will be dismissed, and only through other negotiations will a new meeting be held again."

And soon after this harsh reprimand, all the soldiers were deeply embarrassed by the lack of punctuality, knowing that the queen would not alleviate the situation. He began to discuss with total fullness the arguments that were being used to try to convince Daenerys to abandon her plans to directly attack the capital to concentrate on an offensive in the north where she would certainly lose more than a third of her troops, which did not sound very pleasant to the sovereign's ears. She loses the equivalent of 40% of her military capacity without having a very solid guarantee that she will receive the additional troops, which is a bad sign. After all, they could take advantage of the lack of soldiers to orchestrate an attack against her. After all, it would not be the first time that a member of a large family would give a blow to a Targaryen.

"Your proposal is very interesting, but it is unfeasible because it is not reconcilable with my plans to conquer the capital of the kingdom. Your people will not give up independence, let alone accept that the king chosen by them bent his knee for an unknown queen after they had gone through one of the greatest wars in search of a metal crown. It is even laughable someone with the fame that you have to suggest such a foolish idea with minimal probabilities of success," Daenerys replied for the first time as soon as one of the emissaries finished arguing.

Missandei and Athena had a share of influence in this decision, and this infuriated the entourage and the old council for suspecting that the queen would hardly change her mind. The great reality was that the queen was no longer very inclined to help the supposed allies of the North, but she needed to structure a very good reason to formally refuse the request for an alliance, knowing that a shallow excuse would not be well seen in the political environment. It was not a decision made overnight, as many thought. Daenerys talked a lot with both women and also expressed her distrust of the alliance proposals that the North had offered, and in consensus, all three women gave a final verdict.

They would use all armed force to retake the Iron Throne, concentrating each soldier to overthrow traitor by traitor and ensure that the Targaryen dynasty was finally restored to its rightful place. She would multiply her armies first and ensure the post-conquest stability of Westeros so that it could then be elaborated on how the battle against the King of the Night would be carried out and how they would defeat this common enemy that would devastate the world. The queen hated the way these people took her as foolish and naive in the face of a war, being one of the richest and most influential people of Essos on her own merit, without the intervention of any of them. To many, it might seem like a greedy movement to refuse to help the sons of the north, but it was an obvious question of who was the smartest and strongest during the battle.

If she traveled north at the moment as they wanted, it would be much easier to take her down when the time came. Daenerys thought Jon Snow was a fool, no matter how smart he was in battles. Daenerys did not want to be known as the suicide queen, a nickname that would be fair if she accepted this proposal. In what world did he think that the Lords who publicly hated his family would accept submission after they had turned against the Usupador? The queen would be attacked soon after the final confrontation with the king of the night, the greedy would never miss a perfect opportunity like this.

"Your grace, in the future this refusal can make it difficult in diplomatic negotiations with the North, it is not wise to act in this way" Davos warned Daenerys who looked at the man as a prey looks at the hunt before being slaughtered "the north usually remembers those who abandon it, do not expect the people to follow you"

"If they do not follow me, Mr. Davos, I will do what the conqueror did not do when landing in his homeland. I will burn each castle until everything is reduced to the ashes and only when the last castle in the north falls will I be satisfied with everything. Beware, you are not talking to one of your subordinates or your masters, I intend to govern the seven kingdoms, either through political means or through a new conquest, but I will not be as indulgent as before." The queen warned with a peaceful and animated voice, making everyone tense, including her own companion who knew the weight of her words.

"Snow, control your dogs before this situation gets out of control. You wanted a frank conversation with us and we are having this said conversation, but if you are not prepared to listen to the swear word, no! You must leave immediately, the world does not revolve around only Westeros" Athena complained looking into the eyes of Jon Snow who nodded in agreement, taking a little longer than he should to remove the woman's eyes "We will help you but not at this moment, he will not be able to pass the wall without a dragon, the magic exists, and the same magic that did not let Queen Alyssane fly with Silverwing will be the same magic that will not allow him to reach us as quickly as you think. I'm amazed at you being the brother of the three-eyed crow and he doesn't tell you about it"

The meeting proceeded without further problems and with great effort both parties managed to reach an agreement, which although not so advantageous was enough for the time being to ensure some alliance between the two sides. Athena and Jon were talking very hard about the best directions to take and the woman wondered how they managed to make him so dumb in the television series, because she was talking to a good strategist although he had still made some bad decisions. She had not yet forgotten the stab that Daenerys had taken by trusting him and how he broke his promise by knowing that he was Rhaegar's son, but she would have to put her hand on her own conscience and understand that for now they were not the same person.

"So our agreement is made?" The queen asked finally letting out a relieved sigh when she realized that the meeting was near the end "we are going to send groceries and a small part of my soldiers will help you take the dragon glass to the North when I get to Dragonstone, which will happen soon" she said as she reached out to Jon who shook her hand firmly.

〘 ——✯——〙

Attention : There are some spoilers in the notes of this chapter.


What did you think of today's chapter?.

As a surprise I thought of releasing some excerpts from the story here!

Athena looking at Jon:

"I will trust you, but I will also distrust you."

Daenerys realizing that Jon and Ellaria are trying to get Athena's attention:

"Are you serious? I don't share my love."

Athena realizing that Hitad is not who she claims to be and that there are many hidden secrets:

"You could have done this alone, you better than anyone could have restored the balance!"

Rumors say that Missandei is counting so far the gold coins she won by betting with Grey Worm.

What are your theories for the next chapters?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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Thank you for reading my story, your support is very important to me.

An observation: I'm not the fastest person in the world but I'm working to correct all possible spelling mistakes! Thank you for your patience and understanding.


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