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The young woman was woken by the sound of her alarm going off. She hated that thing, it makes her day even worse.
It was the first day of school and she had no motivation at all.
After a quick shower Rose applied a bit of makeup and slips into a comfy outfit.
Before class started she desperately needed a coffee or else she would have been in a bad mood all day.
Her phone ringed. Mia sent a text!

Hey girl, excited for maths and psychology together?

Actually Rose was, she loved maths as nothing could not be right or wrong. She never got the others that found maths hard, it just came to her, maths makes sense if you understand it. She liked that.
That's a reason why she didn't like philosophy not as much. It was too confusing, playing with her head.
She had attended the class last year and couldn't sleep because basic philosophy gave her an existential crisis.

Yess! Can't wait to see you again!!

Rose replied to the text message, slowly sipping her coffee, which was still too hot so she burned her tongue.

Lecture hall...psychology!
The young student hesitated before entering.
She was one of the first ones there, except the professor of course.
He greeted her in a friendly tone.
Although he still was looking down at some papers on his desk.
She took in his appearance.
Black hair he had slicked back, only a strand of it falling in his face, sharp facial features,glasses which perfectly framed his face and hunter eyes.
Jeez Rose could melt on the spot.
She stood there for second trying to tear her eyes off that man.

"Choose your seat" he pointed to the many empty places in front of him.

Rose could only nod. She went over to the second front row on the left side and began texting Mia.

Where are you for god's sake??

Give me 4 minutes! Lesson starts in 8min.

After Rose read Mia's response she put her phone back in her backpack and stared at the professor.
He stood up from his seat and went over to the chalkboard to write something on it.
She got a good view on him from her seat.
He was wearing black dress trousers and a white dress shirt, neatly ironed,the sleeves of it are rolled up, exposing his toned forearms.
Damn Rose thought in awe.
He had a lean ,but muscular figure and if Rose had to guess was about 6,4foot tall.
He was more attractive than most of the guys she had ever dated.

He turned around and looked the student straight in the eyes. She quickly looked away as she felt intimidated by him.

Just then the door swung open and a few other students alongside Mia vale into the hall.
Mia's eyes searched for Rose in the lecture hall and when hers met her best friends the blonde's face lit up in a smile.

Mia took a seat next to Rose and begann gossiping about how annoying her roommate is.
After a while though shifted Rose's attention back to the professor. It took only a bit for Mia to follow her friends eyes and look at the professor.

"Damn he be fineeee" she blurted out in a whisper.

Which made the two only fall into a fit of giggles. But at the end of the day Rose had to admit that her friend was right and 'Damn he be fineeee'.

Over the next few minutes the room filled up and only a few seats were left empty and the students fell quiet.

"Hello, my name is Dr Lorenzo Léandre, I'll be teaching you psychology for the next semester..."

He begann introducing himself, his dominance left all the students in the room hanging on every word he said.


"The lecture is over, you are dismissed." He ended the lecture and sat back down at his desk.
The lecture hall was slowly emptying as Rose and Mia stuffed all their stuff in their bags.

"Any news from your Mr Handsome you've met last hols?" Rose teased.
"No, that dick left me on read"
"Men are bastards" Rose said with an eye roll.

"Goodbye, till next lecture." Mr Léandre dismissed them.
Rose and Mia turned round to face their professor who was now holding intense eye contact with Rose.

"G-"Rose attempted.
"Goodbye Mr Léandre" Mia stepped in, if she hadn't Rose would've made a complete fool of herself.
The professor suppressed a smirk as the two students made their way to the door.
Only the two friends didn't notice the teacher looking one of them up and down, and it wasn't the blonde.

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