Her hands carefully removed Regina's own off her face before she cupped the girls face softly, bringing her head closer to Scarlett's.

Their lips met softly but with a purpose, her smile still lingering on her face. It felt like fireworks were actually going off, sparks of electricity running through their bodies.

Regina was still in shock from the words. Sure she had said them to numerous of people in the past, but this felt different.

She felt a hint of anxiety mixed with giddiness behind them. She felt her heart beat faster, a smile creeping up her face when she thought of the words.

She felt butterflies erupting in her stomach, electricity flowing through her limps.

She felt excitement,

She felt love, for a girl

Yes, she loved Scarlett.

And she felt right about saying it.

Her heart was still beating fast, eager to hear Scarlett's answer.

The pair parted, gasping for air after the kiss. Regina looked Scarlett in the eyes, looking for any sign of a possible answers. But she didn't have to look for long.

Because the words she had been waiting to hear for so long, finally came out in the open. 

"I love you too, so much" Scarlett spoke with pride and happiness. Regina couldn't help but tackle the redhead in a hug, making them fall back on the bed.

"Are these the communication skills you had been asking about orrrr" Scarlett teased, pinning the girl down on the bed and covering her with little kisses.

"Well not really" Regina tried to get out but she couldn't help giggling because of the kisses.

Mind you, Regina barely ever giggled.

"But this works too" she finished her sentence.

"I've been waiting to tell you" Scarlett spoke softly after the two calmed down. Her hands was tracing patterns on Regina's face, inspecting her features.

"Me too, I'm glad I said it. Plus" Regina turned to Scarlett, a smirk creeping up. "I said it first" Scarlett huffed, rolling her eyes.

"Whatever you say princess. But I also wanted to ask you something else. I'm going to New York this Christmas break, I'm going to join Blair and her family"

Regina smiled at Scarlett's plan, knowing how much she missed her best friend who was practically as second family.

"Now Blair and I were texting back and forth. I've mentioned you plenty of times and well, turns out she wants to meet you" she continued.

"And you wanted to ask?"

"If you don't have any plans for Christmas, would you like to go to New York with me?"

Regina's eyes lit up at the thought. She had always wanted to go to New York at some point in her life.

But going to New York during winter, with someone like Scarlett? That was like a whole Christmas present on its own. She could never turn that down.

Don't look at her, just don't (Regina George)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz