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Scarlett groaned as she was woken up by the doorbell ringing. She squinted her eyes open, taking in her surroundings before regaining the memories from last night. 

She smiled when she heard the soft snores from the girl next to her. She carefully shook the girl awake as they were at Regina's house. 

"Gina, someone's at your house" Scarlett whispered.

Regina's eyes fluttered open, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. "Huh" 

"Someone keeps ringing your doorbell" Scarlett explained, getting out of bed to throw a hoodie towards Regina after putting one on herself. A loud sigh was heard as Regina sat up.

"Fuck" Scarlett winced, feeling her sore legs as she bent down. Regina giggled, seeing the girl struggle to walk around the room. When she put the hoodie on and stepped into some shorts, she left the room groaning at the light that suddenly hit her face.

"Who are you and why a-" She stopped her sentence as the door opened, revealing both Gretchen and Karen with a smile on their faces. Regina was confused as to why the girls were at her door so early. But as soon as she realized what day it was it all came to her. 

Today was Wednesday, which meant that the three would meet up and get ready for school together.

"Happy Wednesday Regina!" Karen chimed, letting herself into the house. Regina was speechless for a second, trying to wake up and gather her composure. If she was being honest, she didn't sleep much last night as she was way too busy with Scarlett.


"fuck" Regina muttered as she realized that the girl was still upstairs, greatly covered in hickeys and unable to walk properly.

Well, there was no hiding now, might as well make a show out of it. 

"Hey girls, it's so nice to see you" The blonde smiled, walking up the stairs with Gretchen and Karen following suit. 

"Before you guys enter my room, I just wanna tell you that Scarlett is still in there, we had a little fun last night and only woke up like a minute ago" She acted like it was nothing, but seeing the look on Karen's face, it certainly was something.

"Wait..." Karen thought, trying to gather the right words but nothing came out. 

"What, did I say something shocking? Sorry, but Scarlett and I have been fucking behind your backs for like 2 months or something? It's nothing new" Right at that moment Scarlett came walking out of the door, almost bumping into the three plastics. "Oh, hi" She greeted. Scarlett smirked at the two shocked faces, already having heard whatever Regina just told the two. 

Gretchen laid her eyes on Scarletts's neck. It was covered purple in hickeys, which could only be from Regina. Her eyes then travelled to Regina, seeing some red scratches on the back of her shoulder. She couldn't believe her eyes.

"Jezus Gretch, take a fucking picture, it'll last longer" That was Gretches sign to continue her way towards Regina's bedroom. She was once again met with the signs of Regina's truth. Clothes were thrown everywhere. 

Scarlett's iconic leather trenchcoat, Regina's black boots, everything seemed to be right there.

"So this is why Regina has been happier these past days" Karen suddenly spoke as she took a seat on Regina's bed. Regina tried to hide a smile, realizing that Karen was right.

Scarlett turned her face towards the blonde, "Oh have I now" She smirked.

Regina rolled her eyes. "Well, I guess that's true. Now don't get too full of yourself" Her finger pointed at Scarlett who only laughed and rolled her eyes.

Don't look at her, just don't (Regina George)Where stories live. Discover now