Lights Camera Action

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Music was blaring through the packed house. Everyone was in their costumes and drinks were being served.

That's when Scarlett entered the house, she was wearing a lace corset with a leather skirt, on top of her head she had these red devil horns.

Her and Regina had decided to go to the party separately since Scarlett had some stuff to finish. It was no problem to either of them, like this their costume could be a little surprise for each other.

Regina was already inside, standing next to the bar, talking to some guys. She was looking forward to see Scarlett's costume since they had only talked about it, never worn in.

Scarlett walked in as she laid her eyes on Regina, planning on approaching her immediately. That's when she came to an abrupt stop by Cady taking hold of her arm.

The taller girl shot up as she saw what Cady was wearing. She had this long ragged wedding dress on her body, combined with a messy wig. Her face was painted white and her make up was smudged all over her face. And to top it all of she had these fake teeth in her mouth.

It was almost too embarrassing to look at. This would only make her plan easier.

"Jezus, why are you dressed so scary" Scarlett asked her, trying to hold back a laugh.  Cady raised her eyebrows in confusion.

"It's halloween" she let out, looking around at the people and their costumes. She then noticed how non of the people were in scary outfits.

"Cady babes, if you don't dress slutty on Halloween, it's almost like you're slut shaming us" She explained to the girl when she got a notification on her phone.

Cady continued looking around frantically, suddenly feeling a bit uncomfortable in her hideous make up.

Scarlett took her phone out of her bra, seeing a notification from Regina. With one look around the room she laid her eyes on the blonde in an angel costume.

She looked hot, very hot.


Is that Cady!?
Why'd she even come

"It's like tradition. Aren't you afraid people will judge your body" there was an obvious hint in that sentence, but she doubted whether or not Cady would catch on.

Scarlett texted Regina back while talking to a slightly more embarrassed Cady.

I'll handle it
Can u go talk to Aaron later
Make sure he's out of sight


Just do it
Trust me

Ur lucky ur hot

Scarslut 🖤
I'll text u when
Gotta talk to Cady first

And with that Scarlett closed her phone. She had the perfect plan in mind, Cady would be a nobody soon enough.

Regina was curious about Scarlett's plan, the girl hadn't talked a word about it and Regina wanted to know. However she trusted the redhead, and did as she was told.

Regina walked over to her friends, making small talk untill Scarlett would shoot her a text. Honestly she was kind of bummed that she couldn't hang out with the redhead, she's been looking forward to having her around at school parties.

Don't look at her, just don't (Regina George)Where stories live. Discover now