She was sure she carefully refused his help, so why had he been looking so disheartened as he walked away ?

Social interactions were so complicated. No matter how much knowledge she piled up, Fiana wasn't sure she could understand them properly one day. She was grateful though. The sceneries this park offered were unique and beautiful for her. It was one of the prettiest places she went at.

But her goal today wasn't to only have fun. 'It isn't here. Let's search for a bit more.' Fiana thought as she pedaled further into the park.

Fiana had investigated the Anti-Honkai organizations of this world after settling down. That hadn't been easy : information was sparse, or outright non-existent. They also tracked people that knew too much, so she had to be careful not to get caught, which almost happened when she began her search. Recently, she had discovered the identity of the Sovereign of Anti-Entropy : the 1st Herrscher.

A Herrscher was leading an Anti-Honkai organization. That was certainly...surprising and slightly ironic. Fiana had received one of her biggest shocks by learning this. She immediately decided she wanted to meet him. Which led to her current situation.

She had investigated recent Honkai outbreaks in California their dates and locations. From there, after hours of research, she managed to narrow down an area in which an Anti-Entropy base had to exist. It wasn't in the Yosemite National Park however...

...Fiana of course didn't believe that their base was really here. It was more or less an excuse to visit that place and have fun. But her target was close enough to the park.

After the fun visit was over -she was really glad she brought a camera with her, by the way- Fiana headed north. It was the middle of the night, no one was around. As soon as she confirmed that, wings sprang to life on her back as she soared in the air. Her Honkai Energy swelled, ready to be used.

Mirage of Void.

Fiana extended her senses downward, into the earth. She smiled as she hit the jackpot.

The Void could see beneath the earth and reveal an underground structure full of people, still active even at this time. Great, now she just had to-

Fiana froze. A Herrscher signature ?

She could clearly feel that a Herrscher was inside the base below. Well, the search had been shorter than expected.

Mirage of Corruption.

The base's systems offered no resistance to the authority of Corruption, even in this reduced form. She mapped out the sensors recorded in the database that would be likely to detect her and teleported inside the base, unnoticed by everyone. From there, she simply passed through walls and different floors not unlike a phantom, avoiding people and cameras, until she made it to the Herrscher's location. She observed him, seeing through the wall she hid behind.

He was currently talking with two scientists, a noisy one with red hair and a calm one with blue hair. She was certain now. Elysia's wish had been achieved : his eyes glowed with willpower, with a life of his own. She could feel the core of Reason pulsing inside-

Wait, Reason ?

"What ?" Her smile froze as she realized she spoke. The discussion in the other room stopped. Her heart skipped a beat.

Without hesitation, Fiana instantly teleported as far away as possible, in a small forest. She had been careless. Was this carelessness a proof of her immaturity ? Regardless, they knew about her intrusion now. She wouldn't be able to get in so easily next time but she already got what she came for. She moved to Imaginary Space just in case they managed to track her down and flew as she kept thinking.

Honkai Impact : The Tree of Human(Final Herrscher x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora