Chapter 9

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A year ago

A determined seeker of truth.

That was how many viewed Jackal. Probably how she considered herself, too. A woman whose purpose was to defeat the Honkai; serve her Sire, the mighty Serpent, in his grand goal. As such, she stayed true to herself, maintaining that mask on her face. Now, while that would make reading her expression difficult to say the least, today wasn't one of these days.

Today, you could easily guess what sort of feeling Jackal's expression was inspired from : panic. Why ? They just received a report from the moon base that the Corpse of Finality had brutally deteriorated. But that wasn't the only reason behind World Serpent's general panic. Residual Honkai Energy readings belonging to the Herrscher of Finality had been detected at the Final Crater.

SHE had activated.

Ironically, they could discard the worst-case scenario almost immediately. Reports from the moon base were coming each month, and the observation of the Final Crater was done only once per year. Nothing happened there anyway, so no one saw the value in keeping watch more frequently. Something the World Serpent was curiously very regretful about now.

So, the world wasn't going to end immediately : If the readings could be trusted, the reactivation of the Corpse of Finality was done approximatively 11 months and 2 weeks ago. Plenty of time for it to descend upon Earth.

But another odd thing to point out was the fact that nothing out of the ordinary was detected up until now. Jackal knew that an existence like the Final Herrscher would leave enormous traces of its path wherever it went. SHE was basically a giant Herrscher core that held humongous amounts of power. Stealth had to be the one thing SHE completely sucked at. But there were no traces left, apart from some footprints left along the edge of the Crater. Human-sized ones.

'Did someone cause this ? How did they get there without the moon base not noticing anything ? And what exactly happened to the parts of the Corpse of Finality that vanished ?'

Jackal was used to have questions fill her head but this was different from her usual research. They desperately needed answers.

The World Serpent then decided to take a more active approach. Now more than ever, they needed their Sire back. They began an operation with the goal of bringing him back from the Sea of Quanta and receive orders from him about this crisis that came from nowhere.

Present time

Kevin Kaslana looked at the Corpse of Finality. It certainly had seen better days. Recently out of the Sea of Quanta, he ordered World Serpent to screen the whole world as stealthily as possible, even if they ended up in territories belonging to other factions. But one surprise for the World Serpent was to know that their Sire wasn't completely unaware of the situation.

While he was imprisoned, Kevin had briefly felt Fiana passing through the Sea of Quanta to get to Earth. It had been but a fleeting, small impression that he chalked up to the Sea reproducing one of his old memories, as it had already done so many times. But it looked like this was more serious than expected.

Humanity will defeat the Honkai. And to do so, light had to be shed on this mystery.

Funnily enough, the cause of all this trouble was currently enjoying herself visiting Yosemite National Park with a bike without a single care in the world, unaware of the turmoil she was causing.


Waterfalls were impressive. No wonder humans liked coming here.

During one of her trips, Fiana was vividly recommended this park by a young man that seemed to want to go with her. Kiana refused politely, stating she didn't need him to show her the way.

Honkai Impact : The Tree of Human(Final Herrscher x OC)Where stories live. Discover now