Life in Nagazora Part 2

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"W-Well, it was a bad idea-hahaha, s-sorry !" 

"Yeah, yeah, just keep laughing." Ki grumbled, slumped over his desk with a less than good mood, with Mei tried (and failed) to hold back her laughter at his right.

It began like this. Ki had an idea : what if he tried reading during his lunch ? A book from one of his favorite authors just got out and he wanted to read it while eating. Infortunately, when he hurried to the shop to buy it, all of the copies had been sold. He then tried to search elsewhere, but other shops in the vicinity that sold books were the same, with the closest being too far from the academy. The whole search took him too much time, time that was supposed to be used for the lunch break. That led to Ki eating quickly in order to be on time for class, and him getting a stomachache for half of the afternoon as a result. Not the best day ever.

Ki decided to take a small rest before heading home, lest his stomach decided that he hadn't suffered enough. And listening to those three right now made him regret his decision. Suzuki, Tanaka and Mei had decided to come talk to him since they saw he was feeling bad, but after hearing the story, they couldn't help but make fun of him, though Mei was doing her best to hold back and cheer him up, unlike the other two.


"Come on, man, that's not on us ! It's just too funny!" Justified Suzuki.

"And if you were in our position, what would you do ?" pointed out Tanaka while snickering.

"Oh, I wouldn't be that bad. Hm, Raiden-san, this is...?" Ki noticed Mei talking to an another girl and got curious.

"Hey, my name is Akia Uli. Nice to meet you ! I was just asking Raiden-san if she wanted to walk back home together for a while, since our houses are close to each other."

"Of course, Uli-san." 

"Great !"

"Well then, we'd better be on our way, too." Ki said as he got up and prepared to say goodbye to them for the day.

"A moment, please. Could I have your attention ?" Everyone turned to Hashito. "I have a little proposition. Since classes finished early today,

Why don't we all hang out at the arcade ?"


I didn't expect this. Here we were, our little group of five, in front of the game machines. I almost never went to arcades so I had no idea on how to proceed. A place that was completely terra incognita. Fortuntely for me and unfortunately for them, Suzuki and Tanaka quickly explained. Finally, game machines here are just bigger consoles, I guess. But maybe they shouldn't have told me so much.

Mei looked around her with sparkling eyes, eager to play. I was not the only who never came here apparently. I was pretty much the same, except that I had a revenge plan in the works. Suzuki, Tanaka, just you wait, hehe.


The gaming party went on for 1 hour without problems. With each person paying their part, of course. Ki's plan was executed at this moment.


"Yes, Tengo-kun ?" Mei had just finished a game of race with Akia when he called out to her.

"How about we switch partners ? I'll play with Uli-san and you'll play with those two there." proposed Ki while wearing an angelic smile.

"No problem with me. Go have fun there while I demolish Tengo-kun here." declared Akia.

"That's what we'll see."

Mei chuckled at their exchange."Then, I'll take you up on that." She then walked towards the two a few machines away.

Honkai Impact : The Tree of Human(Final Herrscher x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora