Chapiter 10

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As the journey continued, I felt a growing discomfort in my stomach. And I realized that I was seriously starting to have to pee.

- Mom, I haven't been to the bathroom since yesterday before dinner, and I really have to pee right now.

- MOM: Ah bah you go to the supermarket they have toilets there you can restrain yourself?

- As long as we get there fast, yes!

- MOMAN: Well, if you can't take it anymore, you can always use your diaper - that's what it's for after all!

- Uh, no, that's okay.

The minutes continued to pass and the feeling of discomfort became more pressing, almost painful. Suddenly, just in front of the car, someone ran across the road. Mom slammed on the brakes to avoid him just in time!

- MOM: Did you see that, Lucas! He didn't even look before crossing the road! Are you okay?

- Yes, yes, I think so, we've been well shaken up!

But as I spoke, I felt a warm sensation spreading through my diaper and found that my pain was gently subsiding. Phew, I could finally breathe.

BUT WHAT? NO! I'm peeing! The belt compressed my bladder too much and I peed without realizing it! Aaah as I tried in vain to stop myself peeing I pressed my hands between my legs.

- Lucas? Did you just pee?

- Aaah uh yes I think, it's because of the belt it pressed on my stomach when you braked!

- MOM: Well, maybe the diaper wasn't such a bad idea after all. Besides, I don't see any leaks, they're very effective!

My diaper seemed to have tripled in size, and I couldn't even squeeze my legs any more.

- I feel like she's 1000 kilos now, she's really getting in my way!

- MOM: We'll make this quick.

When I got to the supermarket, I got out of the car and realized how heavy and bulky the diaper looked under my shorts.

- MOM: Come Lucas

- No cart or bag?

- MOM: No, we'll take them later.

As I struggled to keep up, Mum headed straight for the baby section of the supermarket. And before my stunned eyes, she picked up a pack of "Pampers premium protection - size 9".

- But Mom, what are you doing?

- MOM: I'll get you some diapers to change you, you're not going to stay like that in a soaking diaper, are you? You just told me it was full and weighed 1,000 kilos!

As she answered, she also picked up a pack of Pampers Fresh Clean wipes.

- MOM: That'll be perfect!

So I followed my mother, who held in one hand a pack of diapers in my size and in the other a pack of wipes, leaving little doubt in the minds of passers-by as to "who" these diapers were for. Red with shame, I tried in vain to hide behind my mother as she placed the items on the checkout carpet.

- CASHIER: Oh, a little accident?

- MOM: Oh yes, well not that small I think, it just arrived in the car on the way in!

- CASHIER: If it's not too indiscreet, my 12-year-old son still wets the bed too and I was reluctant to buy him these diapers. Are they okay? Is the size right for your son?

- MOM: Yes, yes, they fit very well, they hold well and the absorption is obviously very good too! Not a leak!

I was red as a peony. Great! Now Mom's talking freely about my diapers with the first person who comes along, as if I'd been wearing them all my life!

- MOM: By the way, where's the bathroom, please?

- CASHIER: If you need to change him, there's a family toilet just behind here, don't you see? It's the door with the little baby symbol - you'll find everything you need there!

- MOM: Ah thank you, that's perfect!

After I'd paid, Mum, still holding a pack of diapers and wipes, dragged me into the bathroom. As we entered, a mother was dressing her baby on one of the room's changing tables. It was quite spacious, with a large sink around which two large changing tables were set up. As the mother left the bathroom, Lana lifted me off the floor and laid me on one of the tables.

First she took off my shoes, which she placed on the floor, then my shorts, which she folded and placed beside her. Finally she pulled up my T-shirt to under my arms, completely exposing my wet diaper.

- MOMAN: Wow, these are really effective! It's really full and completely swollen and yet it's still holding up really well! I know what you mean, though: it must have got in the way and got heavy.

While I glanced at the door, fearing that someone would come in and catch me here, in a diaper, on this changing table, Mom quietly placed the pack of wipes on the table and then put down the pack of diapers, which she opened to take one out.

- Well then, let's see. Here I untie your first fastener, the second. Hop and voil , no more diapers.

As Mom began to clean me with a towelette, she added in conversation:

- MOM: It would be more practical if you had a bodysuit. Your diaper would fit better, especially when it's full!

Ah, but that's why there are still traces in your boxers, look at the wipe, it's all dirty! You're not wiping your bottom well enough after pooping Lucas.

Mom took a second wipe and then, holding my ankles, pulled my knees up against my chest. This left me feeling helpless, my bottom completely exposed, my legs spread so that Mum could clean me thoroughly.

- MOM: Well, I need another wipe!

- Yes, Mom, but please hurry.

- MOM: Ah well, you've left me a lot of work to do!

I couldn't believe it, I had just asked my mother to change me faster there? Did I really just do that? Ask Mom to change my diaper?

Meanwhile, Mum lifted my legs in the air, placed the clean diaper on them and finally closed it.

- MOM: There you go, all clean. All you have to do is put your shorts back on!

- Whew yes it feels good to have a clean diaper thank you!

What did you say? What did I just say? Does it feel good to have a clean diaper? No! Well, it's true that I'd rather have a clean diaper now than in the past, but still! I don't need diapers!

After changing me, Mom added:

- MOM: I'm going to put the package and the wipes in the car and then I can go shopping. Do you want to come with me or wait in the car?

- Uh, no, that's okay. I'll wait in the car.

- MOM: All right, I'll see you in a minute!

After waiting in the car for a good quarter of an hour listening to the radio, I saw my mother return with her shopping bags full, which she put in the boot.

Home at last!

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