Chapiter 9

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- MOM: Lucas, are you still asleep? I thought you'd been up for a while! Hurry up, we'll be late!

- "Huh? What?" I was just emerging from sleep as I saw Mom running back into my room.

I felt a great draught of cold air as Mum pulled my whole blanket over me at once!

- Moooom! I'm cold now!

- MOM: Put on those shorts and let's go!

Barely four minutes later I found myself still asleep, sitting in the car next to my mother.

As the car pulled away, I woke up and realized what had just happened to me!

- Arggh but MOM we are going to the doctor !

- MOM: Yes, I asked you to get up early so we wouldn't be late. I reminded you yesterday!

- But I still have a diaper on! The doctor will see it! Oh no, the horror!

- MOMAN: Look, Lucas, you had to get up earlier, that's all. We didn't have time to change you. And don't worry, it's just a vaccine. He'll just give you a shot in the shoulder. Anyway, even if he sees your diaper, it won't make much difference!

Ohh no, I thought, but why is this happening to me, just today, it's not possible!

Arriving at the doctor's office, Lana went to see the secretary.

- MOM: We had an appointment for Lucas

- SECRETARY: Oh yes, perfect, you're right on time, the doctor was expecting you, you can go in now. Second door on the left.

- MOM: Thank you!

The room was rather large, with a large desk at the far end, on which piles of paper were piled up, threatening to topple over at the first gust of wind. A computer seemed to emerge from these mounds of paper. Along the wall, next to a cupboard, was an auscultation table covered with a small paper film. Next to this was a scale, a device that seemed to measure height, and a small work surface.

- DOCTOR: Ah Lucas there you are! You're here for your vaccine, aren't you?

- MOM: Yes, that's right.

- DOCTOR: Well, while you're here, we'll take the opportunity to do a little check-up. Do you have any pain or discomfort?

- Uh no no it's fine.

- DOCTOR: Sleep well?

- MOTHER: "Oh dear, yes, I think so!" replied Lana, laughing a little. "This morning for example he didn't wake up, I just put shorts on him and we left right away!"

- DOCTOR: Ah ah it doesn't matter you're on time after all.

- MOM: Yes, but just barely!

- DOCTOR: Okay, Lucas, take off your shirt, please, and I'll listen to your heart. Give it to me and I'll put it right here on the examination table.

Please stand up and breathe normally.

As I breathed, the doctor placed his stethoscope on my back. The cold startled me a little.

- DOCTOR: All right, get on the scale now. Do you have anything in your pockets? Yes, very good. I'm going to measure you now, so please sit up straight. Perfect!

Now all I have to do is give you your vaccine. You'll see, you'll hardly feel a thing. Sit on the table here.

My sting only lasted a second, and I hardly felt a thing, just as the doctor had said. Once I'd put my shirt back on, we headed back to the car.

- Well, that went well in the end.

- MOM: You see, I told you so! What's more, you've even got used to your diaper, you can see it hasn't bothered you.

- No, it didn't bother me. I mean, I can still feel it, so it's a lot thicker than boxer shorts!

- MOM: Yes, but I wasn't talking about that. What I meant was that you didn't mind showing your diaper, and you can see that the doctor didn't say anything when he saw it, so it doesn't matter!

- WHAT? He saw my diaper!

- MOM: Yes! It's completely showing out of your shorts at the back and sides too.

- What oh no you should have told me!

- MOM: Tell you what? It wouldn't have made any difference. As you said yourself, it went really well and you weren't embarrassed at all, so don't worry!

I sat with my arms folded in the car on the way to the supermarket. I couldn't believe Mom hadn't told me! I could at least have tried to hide what was sticking out of my shorts!

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