Chapiter 5

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- NATHAN: Come on, let's see if the water in the paddling pool is warmer.

- Yep, as long as there's no one left inside, let's go! Ah ah the water is literally mid-calf it's so small! But yes, it looks warmer!

- NATHAN: At least we can lie back and enjoy it!

After a while of splashing around in this paddling pool, I was getting seriously bored.

- Don't you want to do something else Nathan?

- NATHAN: Yeah, I've got an idea! I'm going to get something, go to the deep end and I'll be right there! Hey, don't slip again like you did this morning ha ha!

- Oh, it's all right, it's all right, just go away!

As I saw Nathan off in the direction of his bag, I went to wait for him beside the largest pool.

- NATHAN: I've got everything! I've brought my weighted rings. Shall we have an apnea contest? Like we go into the big pool, throw the rings and the goal is to get them all back in one go! Whoever manages it wins! Let's stand on this side of the pool so we're up to our shoulders in water, okay?

- Yep, great idea, let's go! Okay, give them to me, I'll throw them in the water, it's up to you to get them back.

- NATHAN: Okay, hold on, I'm going to the water before you throw them.

Once Nathan was in the water I threw the rings in and started the countdown:

- Attention 3, 2, 1 go!

At the top of his game, Nathan dived to the bottom of the water and in a matter of seconds picked up all the rings at once!

- Wow, you're fast! But not as fast as me, you'll see! Go ahead and throw the rings, it's my turn to get them!

As Nathan scattered the rings in the water I spotted them from the surface, preparing my plan to go and get them, in which order to go. Okay, I'm going in the water too, I'm ready. Nathan counted me down in turn:

- NATHAN: 3, 2, 1 go!

But when I tried to dive in, I couldn't even get my head under water! Noon my armbands! No matter how hard I tried to dive to the bottom, my armbands kept me at the surface, completely preventing me from reaching the rings! No way!

- NATHAN: Oh, my God, your armbands! I saw you struggling on the surface but you didn't come down a centimetre ah ah! Well, I guess I won!

- Pff noon but that's cheating too! I'm so embarrassed by that stuff! Let's go for a swim! Rhaa these things bother me too much, they're so big I can't do a proper breaststroke!

- NATHAN: Ah yes, Lucas, you're so funny! Honestly, when we see you with those armbands swimming from the outside, we think you need it! You swim like a little dog! Stretch out your arms more, you're pedaling through the water!

- I'd like to see you with those things! I'm going out to dry off!

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