Chapter 8 - Showdown

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The scratchy sounds of pens on paper filled the room as the class worked through the algebraic problems on the board. At least, most of us did. Felix was intensely concentrated on balancing his pen on his nose. He'd been at it most of the lesson and yet-judging by his progress-he wasn't having a lot of luck.

It clattered to the desk once more and Professor Saunders turned around with an exasperated sigh.

"Mr Beck what are you doing now?"

Felix looked at him innocently, "Nothing sir, just busy solving for X."

"If you've completed one question this entire lesson I'll eat my hat."

"What kind of hat is it sir? I've heard that in China woolly hats are considered a delicacy."

The class dissolved into laughter. Professor Saunders' shiny round face had turned from exasperated to an alarming shade of pink.

"This is not acceptable behaviour Mr Beck, you could excel in Mathematics if you chose to apply yourself. Yet you waste my time with childish antics and nonsense remarks about hats!"

"Technically you're the one who brought up the hats sir."

The professor's moustache twitched with fury.

"That's it! Detention! You can come back here at dinner and finish your work then!"

Felix started to protest but he dismissed the class and stormed out.

I nudged Felix as we began the walk to the gym.

"Probably gone to fix his toupee in the staff room."

He muttered some angry curse words under his breath. "Save me a bread roll at dinner, I'm gonna be starving."

"Sure you don't want a woolly hat?

He had to laugh at that.


My steps made almost no noise over the soft mats and Ace almost jumped out of his skin when I tapped him on the shoulder. Felix's incident had delayed class a bit so the others were already there, stretching and warming up. Coach Carson clapped his hands twice to summon everyone's attention and begin the lesson. I was happy to hear that we would be focusing on attack today as it was were my strength lies.

When we started getting into partners the coach started moving towards me,

"You can go with me again Amaryllis, don't you worry." He said confidently.

Ace grabbed my arm, "She already has a partner sir."

Coach Carson frowned but then his gaze flicked to something behind us and his doughy face cracked a grin.

"So glad you could join us Mr Donahugh, we were just getting into parters for some sparring work."

I turned around to see none other than Josh grimacing at me sinisterly with his yellow-teethed leer.

I suddenly called without thinking, "I'll be his partner Coach!"

Ace and Josh both gave me a shocked look but Coach Carson nodded.

"Perfect, off you go then you two."

This may have been a terrible idea but it would be a great way for me to get back at Josh for what he did to Caspar. Plus, I really wanted to beat his arrogant ass again.

Josh strolled over to me casually, swinging his meaty hands at his sides. He stood next to me as we faced Coach Carlson. As the coach explained the exercise, Josh leaned in closer to me,

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